Green Power Markets
Green power markets are part of the larger U.S. renewable energy market. Learn more about a range of topics related to how renewable energy supply helps meet demand for green power, how renewable energy certificates (RECs) are the currency of U.S. renewable energy markets, and how the market tracks and accounts for RECs across the country.
U.S. Renewable Electricity Market
Learn how U.S. renewable energy markets are organized around buyers who wish to make either voluntary or mandatory compliance claims through the purchase of REC-based renewable electricity.
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)
Learn what renewable energy certificates are, how they are used to track renewable energy generation and use, and how your organization can buy REC-based green power to lower its greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint.
Renewable Energy Tracking Systems
The United States is covered by a network of renewable energy tracking systems that account for its generation and use across a shared grid. Learn how many renewable electricity purchases can use contractual pathways to track and assign ownership of renewable electricity from a point of generation to a point of use.
History of Voluntary Markets
Learn about the history of U.S. voluntary markets through the various milestones and events that contributed to their emergence and evolution.