Green Infrastructure

Green Infrastructure Operations and Maintenance

Wheelbarrow symbolizes the importance of including O&M in planning.Like all stormwater infrastructure, green infrastructure requires regular inspections and maintenance to assure proper function. Maintenance of green infrastructure generally requires more labor and less heavy equipment than maintenance of gray infrastructure. Learn more from the following resources about what to look for when you inspect green infrastructure and how frequently to conduct maintenance activities:

EPA Region 5 Resource - Operation and Maintenance of Green Infrastructure Receiving Runoff from Roads and Parking Lots

Green Stormwater Operations and Maintenance Manual(25 pp, 4.6 MB, About PDF Exit—This manual was produced by Seattle Public Utilities and summarizes routine maintenance activities for rain gardens, vegetated swales, and permeable pavements. It describes four levels of service from excellent effort (Service Level A) to poor effort (Service Level D).

Regular Inspection and Maintenance Guidance for Bioretention Systems/Tree Filters(2 pp, 22 K, About PDF) Exit—This 2-pager was produced by the University of New Hampshire (UNH) Stormwater Center and lists inspection and maintenance activities for bioretention systems and tree filters. It also provides an inspection checklist for you to use.

Regular Inspection and Maintenance Guidance for Porous Pavements(2 pp, 20 K, About PDF) Exit—This 2-pager was produced by the UNH Stormwater Center and lists inspection and maintenance activities for porous pavements. It also provides an inspection checklist for you to use.