Partners in Restoring Grand Calumet River AOC


EPA awarded $288 million from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative's Great Lakes Legacy Act program to finish work on improving the Grand Calument River AOC.

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CARE plays an active role in implementing the Remedial Action Plan and consists of subcommittees to direct their focuses to specific BUIs. They also educate the public about the changing status of the Grant Calumet.

The Calumet Waterway Stewards help educate the public about keeping the river clean. They also hold cleanups and crowdsourcing events, and promote safe recreational use of the river.

GCRRFC primarily works to remove contaminated sediment and remediate the natural resource damages within the AOC. Their main focus is the West Branch of the river.

IDEM carries out a large proportion of restoration and remediation projects within the Area of Concern. They also publish the remedial action plans. In 1991, IDEM opened a regional office in Gary to act as a liaison with local officials, concerned citizen, and industry, including the involvement of concerned citizens through the CARE.

IDNR has contributed to habitat restoration and preservation efforts in the AOC and is a member of the Natural Resource Trustees.

USACE reguarly dredges the Grand Calumet River and plays an integral role in removing contaminated sediment.

USFWS conducted a Natural Resource Damage Assessment for the Grand Calumet River. Results of the settlement include funds going towards habitat protection, habitat restoration and dredging.

U.S. Steel has dredged over 780,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediment from the AOC.