
Enforcement Annual Results Numbers at a Glance for Fiscal Year (FY) 2015


The following is a list of key results of compliance and enforcement activities.

Civil Enforcement Results
Results Concluded Cases
Pollution Reduced, Treated or Eliminated (Pounds) 2 533,000,000
Hazardous Waste Treated, Minimized, or Properly Disposed of (Pounds) 2 535,000,000
Contaminated Soil to be Cleaned Up (Cubic Yds) 2 46,000,000
Contaminated Water to be Cleaned Up (Cubic Yds) 2 29,000,000
Stream Miles Restored or Created (Linear Feet) 37,870
Wetlands Restored or Created (Acres) 216
People Protected by Safe Drinking Water Act Enforcement (# of People) 3 1,860,000
Toxic Material Abated (# Housing Units, Schools, Buildings) 71
Volume (gallons) of Untreated Discharge Eliminated 1 526,000,000
Hazardous Waste Prevented from Release (Pounds) 2 10,000,000
Liquid in Underground Storage Tanks Prevented from Release (Gallons) 2 11,000,000
Underground Injection Wells Prevented from Leaking (# of Wells) 31
Toxic Substance Contamination Prevented (# of Housing Units, Schools, Buildings) 233
Volume of Oil Spills Prevented (in Gallons) 1 55,000,000
Toxic Chemicals and Pesticides Prevented from Misuse/Environmental Release (Pounds) 2 7,000,000
Stream Miles Preserved (Linear Feet) 2,350
Wetlands Preserved (Acres) 939
Civil Enforcement Monetary Commitments
Monetary Commitments from Concluded Cases Committment
Estimated Value of Complying Actions to be Taken in Response to EPA's Concluded Enforcement Actions (Injunctive Relief) 2 $7,300,000,000
Estimated Investments in Projects that Benefit the Environment and Public Health (Supplemental Environmental Projects) 2 $39,000,000
Administrative Penalties Assessed2 $42,000,000
Judicial Penalties Assessed2 $163,000,000
State/Local Judicial Penalties Assessed From Joint Federal-State/Local Enforcement Actions2 $32,000,000
Stipulated Penalties Paid2 $7,000,000
Superfund Cleanup Enforcement
Superfund Cleanup Committment
Amount Committed by Liable Parties to Clean up Superfund Sites 2 $1,975,000,000
Amount Committed by Liable Parties to Pay for Government Oversight of Superfund Cleanups 2 $106,000,000
Amount Committed by Liable Parties to Reimburse the Government for Money Spent Cleaning up Superfund Sites 2 $512,000,000
** See Cleanup Enforcement Program Accomplishments
Civil Enforcement and Compliance Activities
Activities Results
Referrals of Civil Judicial Enforcement Cases to Department of Justice (DOJ) 141
Supplemental Referrals of Civil Judicial Enforcement Cases to DOJ 21
Civil Judicial Complaints Filed with Court 108
Civil Judicial Enforcement Case Conclusions 132
Administrative Penalty Order Complaints 1,400
Final Administrative Penalty Orders 1,394
Administrative Compliance Orders 833
Cases with Supplemental Environmental Projects 124
Inspections/Evaluations 4 15,400
Civil Investigations 216
Criminal Enforcement Program
Activities Results
Environmental Crime Cases Opened 213
Defendants Charged 185
Years of Incarceration 129
Fines and Restitution 2 $200,000,000
Value of Court Ordered Environmental Projects 2 $4,000,000,000
** See Criminal Enforcement Major Case Highlights

** National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Program - See NEPA Program Annual Results

Where necessary to reflect EPA's understanding of the precision of the data, numbers in this document and elsewhere on this Web site have been rounded to two or three significant digits.

The primary source for the data displayed in this document are the official databases of record which are:

  • Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS)
  • Criminal Case Reporting System
  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAInfo)
  • Compass (the Agency’s official accounting system.)
  • Manual Data Submission

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