Air Enforcement Policy, Guidance and Publications
This section provides policy and guidance documents related to enforcement of pollution from mobile and stationary sources of air pollution.
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On this page:
- Newsletters
- Mobile Sources of Air Pollution
- General Mobile Source Policy and Guidance
- Vehicles and Engines
- Fuels
- Stationary Sources of Air Pollution
- General Stationary Source Policy and Guidance
- New Source Review
- State Implementation Plan
- EPA Enforcement Targets Flaring Efficiency Violations
- Air Enforcement Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements Alert
Mobile sources of air pollution
- Civil Penalty Policy for Administrative Hearings - (1/14/93)
- No Action Assurance for LSI Engines - (11/21/12)
- Penalty Policy for Vehicle and Engine Emissions Certification Requirements - (1/16/09)
- Frequently Asked Question About EPA Requirements for Motorcycle Imports - (4/8/05)
- Sale and use aftermarket catalytic converters for Vehicles Equipped with On-Board Diagnostic (OBD-II) Systems - (9/30/04)
- No enforcement action will be taken for catalyst-equipped motorcycles that are not fitted with inlet filler restrictors - (4/1/02)
- Extension of the Addendum to Memo 1A Mobile Source Enforcement - Letter to National Propane Gas Association - (1/24/02)
- Extension of the Addendum to Memo 1A Mobile Source Enforcement - Letter to Speaker of the House for Arizona - (5/16/00)
- Revision to Addendum to Mobile Source Enforcement Memorandum 1A, Revised Tampering Enforcement Policy for Alternative Fuel Conversions - (6/1/98)
- Extension of the Addendum to Memo 1A Mobile Source Enforcement "Option Three" Deadline to April 24, 1998 (letter to Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition) - (3/31/98)
- Addendum to memo 1A: Tampering Enforcement Policy for Alternative Fuel Aftermarket Conversions - (9/4/97)
- EPA Kit Car Policy - (7/8/94)
- Fact Sheet: Exhaust System Repair Guidelines - (3/13/91)
- Engine Switching Fact Sheet - (3/13/91)
- Sale and Use of Aftermarket Catalytic Converters - (8/5/88)
- Interim Tampering Enforcement Policy - (6/25/74)
- Clean Air Act Mobile Source Fuels Civil Penalty Policy Title II of the Clean Air Act 40 C.F.R. Part 80 Fuels Standards Requirements (55 pp, 886K ) - (2/3/16)
- Conditional No Action Assurance Regarding RFS Attest Engagement Reporting Deadline for 2014 Compliance Year - 5/21/15
- Interim Guidance on the Non-Availability of Compliant Fuel Oil for the North American (9 pp, 324K ) - (6/27/11)
- Enforcement of MARPOL Annex VI Memorandum of Understanding (7pp, 2MB) - (6/27/11)
- Enforcement of MARPOL Annex VI Joint Letter - (06/27/11)
- Questions and Answers to the Clean Diesel Fuel Rules (PDF)(135 pp, 888K) - (7/25/06)
- Refiners may use two percent tolerance rule to determine RFG compliance - (2/6/02)
- Interim Diesel Civil Penalty Policy - (2/8/94)
- 1993 Volatility Question and Answer Document (PDF) (71 pp, 123K) - (11/1/93)
- 1993 Diesel Desulfurization Question and Answer Document (PDF) (36 pp, 1MB) - (8/5/93)
- Volatility Civil Penalty Policy - (12/1/89)
Stationary sources of air pollution
- No Action Assurance Regarding EPA-Issued Step 2 Prevention of Significant Deterioration Permits and Related Title V Requirements - (12/19/14)
- Revised Timely and Appropriate (T and A) Enforcement Response to High Priority Violations (HPVs) Policy (8/25/14)
- Guidance on Federally-Reportable Violations for Clean Air Act Stationary Sources - (09/23/14)
- Appendix VI of the Clean Air Act Stationary Source Civil Penalty Policy - Leak Detection and Repair Penalty Policy - (09/12)
- Application of Clean Air Act Stationary Source Penalty Policy for Violations of Benzene Waste Operations NESHAP Requirements - (11/08/07)
- Clean Air Act Stationary Source Civil Penalty Policy - (10/25/91)
- The Timely and Appropriate (T and A) Enforcement Response to High Priority Violations (HPVs) Policy - (12/22/98)
- The Timely and Appropriate (T&A) Enforcement Response to High Priority Violations (HPVs) Workbook - (6/23/99)
- Interim Policy and Guidance on the Use of "Credible Evidence" in Air Enforcement Activities - (4/29/97)
- Options for Limiting the Potential to Emit (PTE) of a Stationary Source under Section 112 and Title V of the Clean Air Act - (1/25/95)
- Supplemental Environmental Projects in EPA Settlements Involving Early Reductions under the Clean Air Act - (11/1/91)
- Guidance on Use of Section 303 of the Clean Air Act - (9/15/83)
New Source Review (NSR)
- Guidance on Appropriate Injunctive Relief in Major NSR Cases - (11/17/98
- Guidance on Limiting Potential to Emit in New Source Permitting - (6/13/89)
- Guidance on Enforcement of Prevention of Significant Deterioration Requirements Under the Clean Air Act - (12/14/83)
State Implementation Plan
- State Implementation Plans: Response to Petition for Rulemaking; Restatement and Update of EPA’s SSM Policy Applicable to SIPs; Findings of Substantial Inadequacy; and SIP Calls To Amend Provisions Applying to Excess Emissions During Periods of Startup, Shutdown and Malfunction; Final Rule (6/12/15)
- Re-Issuance of Clarification - State Implementation Plans (SIPs): Policy Regarding Excess Emissions during Malfunctions, Startup, Shutdown (PDF) (2pp, 103K) - (12/5/01)
- State Implementation Plans: Policy Regarding Excess Emissions During Malfunction, Startup, and Shutdown (PDF) (10pp, 50K) (9/20/99)
- Policy on Excess Emissions During Startup, Shutdown, Maintenance, and Malfunctions - (2/15/83)