On this page
This category includes test methods which have not yet been subject to the Federal rulemaking process. Each of these methods, as well as the available technical documentation supporting them, have been reviewed by the Emission Measurement Center staff and have been found to be potentially useful to the emission measurement community.
The types of technical information reviewed include:
- field and laboratory validation studies;
- results of collaborative testing;
- articles from peer-reviewed journals;
- peer-review comments; and
- quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) procedures in the method itself.
Technical information for each method is below. The EPA strongly encourages the submission of additional supporting field and laboratory data as well as comments in regard to these methods.
These methods may be considered for use in Federally enforceable State and local programs (e.g., Title V permits, State Implementation Plans (SIP)) provided they are subject to an EPA Regional SIP approval process or permit veto opportunity and public notice with the opportunity for comment. The methods may also be considered to be candidates to be alternative methods to meet Federal requirements under 40 CFR Parts 60, 61, and 63. However, they must be approved as alternatives under 60.8, 61.13, or 63.7(f) before a source may use them for this purpose. Consideration of a method's applicability for a particular purpose should be based on the stated applicability as well as the supporting technical information outlined below. The methods are available for application without EPA oversight for other non-EPA program uses including state permitting programs and scientific and engineering applications.
As many of these methods are submitted by parties outside the Agency, the EPA staff may not necessarily be the technical experts on these methods. Therefore, technical support from EPA for these methods is limited. Also, be aware that these methods are subject to change based on the review of additional validation studies or on public comment as a part of adoption as a Federal test method, the Title V permitting process, or inclusion in a SIP.
The documents below are PDFs, except where indicated. You will need Adobe Reader to view the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.
Preliminary Methods
- PRE-1 Draft Method for Direct measurements of Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flowrate Under Cyclonic Flow Conditions (PDF) (June 1986)
- PRE-2 Particulate (PM Screening) Method (PDF) (May 1989)
- PRE-2 Particulate (PM Screening) Figure (PDF) (May 1989)
- PRE-3 Draft Ontario Hydro Method for Mercury in Flue Gas Generated from Coal- Fired Stationary Sources has been superceded by ASTM D6784-02
- PRE-4 Draft Method for Determination of PM10/PM2.5 has been retired and superseded by the promulgation of the revision of Method 201A
- PRE-5 Determination of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Stationary Sources (Ultraviolet Instrumental Analyzer Procedure (PDF)) Note: Pollutants measured - Nitrogen oxide.
- PRE-6 Method for the Measurement of Cure HAPS from Paints and Coatings (Draft Method 311: Appendix A (PDF)) Note: Pollutants measured - HAPs, usually methanol and formaldehyde. (June 1999)
- PRE-7 Determination of Cyclonic Flow Velocity Components Using a Calculation Approach to Method 2F (PDF) Note: Pollutants measured - Cyclonic Flow Velocity
- PRE-8 Determination of Visible Emission Opacity from Stationary Sources Using Computer-Based Photographic Analysis Systems (PDF). Please note that there is now a more sophisticated method (ASTM D7520-09) for using digital cameras for determining opacity. We strongly encourage you to consider its use in accordance with the applicability as specified in the method. We have also approved ASTM D7520-09 as an alternative to Method 9 under certain conditions. See ALT-082 Approval of Method 9 Alternative (PDF). Note: Pollutants measured - Visible Emission Opacity
- PRE-9 This method has been superseded by the September 7, 2007 Direct Final rulemaking for Method 30A
Preliminary Performance Specification
Other Test Methods
- OTM-10
- OTM-11
- USEPA Method 18 Pre-Survey Procedure for Corn Wet-Milling Facility Emission Sources (PDF) has been replaced by Method 207, which was promulgated in 2008 (73 FR 30775). (2006)
- Supporting documentation (DOC) (2006)
- OTM-12
- OTM-13
- OTM-14
- Method for Measuring Isocyanates in Stationary Source Emissions (PDF) (October 2006)
- Supporting documentation (DOC) (October 2006)
- OTM-15
- OTM-16
- OTM-17
- OTM-18
- OTM-19
- OTM-20
- OTM-21
- OTM-22
- Specifications and Test Procedures for HCl CEMS at Stationary Sources (PDF) (October 2006)
- Supporting documentation (DOC) (October 2006) Note: Facilities or testers preparing to install and operate HCl CEMS should follow the current stakeholder drafts of Performance Specification 18 and Procedure 6, available from Candace Sorrell (sorrell.candace@epa.gov), rather than using OTM- 22 or 23. OTM- 22 and 23 will be superseded by PS 18 and Procedure 6 once the new performance specification is promulgated.
- OTM-23
- QA/QC Requirements for HCl CEMS at Stationary Sources (PDF) (October 2006)
- Supporting documentation (DOC) (October 2006) Note: Facilities or testers preparing to install and operate HCl CEMS should follow the current stakeholder drafts of Performance Specification 18 and Procedure 6, available from Candace Sorrell (sorrell.candace@epa.gov), rather than using OTM 22 or 23. OTM 22 and 23 will be superseded by PS 18 and Procedure 6 once the new performance specification is promulgated.
- OTM-24
- OTM-25
- HCl Dynamic Spiking Protocol (PDF) (August 2006)
- Supporting documentation (DOC) (August 2006)
- OTM-26
- VOC Measurement for the Wood Products Industry (PDF) (July 2007)
- Supporting documentation (DOC) (July 2007)
- OTM-27 Determining PM10 and PM2.5 Emissions from Stationary Sources has been replaced with the revised Method 201A, which was signed by the EPA Administrator on December 1, 2010.
- OTM-28 Dry Impinger Method for Determining Condensable Particulate Emissions from Stationary Sources has been replaced with the revised Method 202, which was signed by the EPA Administrator on December 1, 2010.
- OTM-29
- OTM-30
- OTM-31
- Guide for Developing a Multi-Metals, Fence-Line Monitoring Plan for Fugitive Emissions Using X-Ray Based Monitors (PDF) (December 2010) The appendices for this method can be found here:
- Appendix A - Performance Specification AA: Specifications and Test Procedures for X-ray Fluorescence Based Metals Continuous Fence-Line Monitors (PDF)
- Appendix B - Traceability Protocol for Certification of Reference Aerosol Generators (PDF)
- Appendix C - Overview of Airborne Metals Regulations, Exposure Limits, Health Effects, and Contemporary Research (PDF)
- Appendix D - Example Application: Secondary Lead Smelter (PDF)
- Appendix E - Example Application: Primary Lead Smelter (PDF)
- Appendix F - Example Application: Primary Copper Smelter (PDF)
- Appendix G - Example Application: Ferrous Metal Foundry and Recycler (PDF)
- Appendix H - Example Application: Waste Incinerator (PDF)
- Supporting documentation (DOC) (December 2010)
- Guide for Developing a Multi-Metals, Fence-Line Monitoring Plan for Fugitive Emissions Using X-Ray Based Monitors (PDF) (December 2010) The appendices for this method can be found here:
- OTM-32
- Determination of Emissions from Open Sources by Plume Profiling (PDF) (June 2013)
- Supporting documentation (DOC) (June 2013)
- OTM-33
- OTM-33a
- Geospatial Measurement of Air Pollution, Remote Emissions Quantification - Direct Assessment (GMAP-REQ-DA) (PDF) (November 2014)
- Supporting appendices and data (ZIP file) (November 2014)
- App A - Examples of EPA GMAP-REQ-DA Systems
- App B - Mast System Mechanical Drawings and Wiring Schematics
- App C - Control Software
- App D - Software User Interface
- App E- Field Data Acquisition SOP
- App F1- PSG Analysis SOP
- App F2- BLS Analysis SOP
- App G1- Canister cleaning SOP example
- App G2 - Canister analysis SOP PAMS example
- App G3 - Canister analysis SOP CH4 example
- App H1- Reference 3
- App H2 - Reference 4
- App I - Control Release Data
- OTM-34
- OTM-35
- Measurement of PM and Heavy Metals from Arc Welding Processes (PDF) (August 2012)
- Supporting documentation (DOC) (August 2012)
- OTM-36 Method for the Determination of Filterable PM2.5 Emissions from Moisture Saturated and/or Droplet-laden Stationary Source Gas Streams (PDF)(643 pp, 33 MB, April 2016)
- OTM-36 Supporting Documentation (PDF)(1 pg, 100 K, April 2016)