Environmental Education (EE) Grants
Under the Environmental Education Grants Program, EPA seeks grant proposals from eligible applicants to support environmental education projects that promote environmental awareness and stewardship and help provide people with the skills to take responsible actions to protect the environment. This grant program provides financial support for projects that design, demonstrate, and/or disseminate environmental education practices, methods, or techniques. Since 1992, EPA has distributed between $2 and $3.5 million in grant funding per year, supporting more than 3,600 grants.
Learn about the 2015 EE grant awards.
- How to Apply
- Application Forms
- Helpful Resources
- Webinar/ Teleconference Information
- Contacts
- Grants Awarded
How to Apply
The application period for the 2016 EE Grants Program is closed. The 2016 EE Grants Program included one Request for Proposals (RFP), also known as a Solicitation Notice. The 2016 EE Local Grants RFP is currently available in PDF format.
There will not be an RFP for EE Model Grants in 2016.
Determine Eligibility- Applicants must represent one of the following types of organizations to be eligible for an environmental education grant:
- local education agency
- state education or environmental agency
- college or university
- non-profit organization as described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
- noncommercial educational broadcasting entity
- tribal education agency (which includes schools and community colleges controlled by an Indian tribe, band, or nation)
- Applicant organizations must be located in the United States or territories and the majority of the educational activities must take place in the United States; or in the United States and Canada or Mexico; or in the U.S. Territories.
- Each RFP contains complete instructions for submitting a proposal, including all required information and limitations on format. A summary of the required information is below. Read the RFP thoroughly for application procedures, including those for applying through www.grants.gov.
- Find the forms on the "Application Forms" tab. Materials should be submitted in the following order:
- Two Federal forms: Application for Federal Assistance (SF 424) and Budget (SF 424-A)
- Work Plan (up to 8 pages):
- Project Summary (recommended 1 page)
- Detailed Project Description
- Project Evaluation Plan
- Detailed Budget Showing Match and Sub-grants (not included in the page limit)
- Appendices (not included in the page limit)
- Timeline
- Logic Model Showing Outputs and Outcomes
- Programmatic Capabilities and Past Performance
- Letters Stating Responsibilities of Partners, if applicable
- Applications must be submitted electronically. Submit to www.grants.gov by following the instructions in Appendix IV of the RFP.
Application Forms
You are required to submit two standard forms as part of your proposal. Please refer to the RFP for specific application requirements. You must submit:
- SF-424, Application for Federal Assistance
- SF-424A, Budget Information
Find these and other forms at www.grants.gov. You are not required to complete other standard forms as part of your initial proposal. Only finalists in the selection process will be asked to complete federal forms other than the SF-424 and 424A.
Helpful Resources for Applying
- Learn how to apply for a grant through www.grants.gov with a video tutorial series.
- Find general resources on how to apply for an EPA grant and training on grants management.
- Review a template for a logic model(1 pg, 36 K, 11/17/14) .
- Review Tips for Successful Applicants.
Webinar and Teleconference Information
The EPA Office of Grants and Debarment offers periodic webinars on general issues relating to grant applications and management.
The Office of Environmental Education held a teleconference on Tuesday March 15, 2016, at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time. On the call, EE Staff reviewed the RFP and address commonly asked questions.
- View and download a copy of the presentation for the teleconference.
- Listen to a recording of the event by calling (855) 859- 2056 or (800) 585-8367 and entering the conference code: 67903650.
EPA Contacts for EE Grants
If you have questions regarding an open EE grants solicitation, please send them to EEGrants@epa.gov or read the Frequently Asked Questions for the current RFP. For other any questions regarding the environmental education grants program, please contact your regional coordinator.
Region | Name |
Region 1 - CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT |
Kristen Conroy |
Region 2 - NJ, NY, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands | Wanda Ayala or Jennifer May U.S. EPA, Region 2 290 Broadway 26th Floor New York, NY 10007-1866 ayala.wanda@epa.gov or may.jennifer@epa.gov |
Region 3 - DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV | Kathy Kirkland U.S. EPA, Region 3 1650 Arch Street Mail Code 3PA00 Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029 kirkland.kathleen@epa.gov |
Region 4 - AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN | Jason McDonald U.S. EPA, Region 4 61 Forsyth Street SW Mail Code 9T25 Atlanta, GA 30303 mcdonald.jason@epa.gov |
Region 5 - IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI | Megan Gavin U.S. EPA, Region 5 77 West Jackson Boulevard Mail Code AT-18J Chicago, IL 60604 gavin.megan@epa.gov |
Region 6 - AR, LA, NM, OK, TX | Bonnie King U.S. EPA, Region 6 Office of External Affairs 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 1200 Mail Code 6XA Dallas, TX 75202 king.bonita@epa.gov |
Region 7 - IA, KS, MO, NE | Kathleen Fenton U.S. EPA, Region 7 11201 Renner Blvd. Mail Code RGADOPA Lenexa, KS 66219 fenton.kathleen@epa.gov |
Region 8 -CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY | Wendy Dew U.S. EPA, Region 8 1595 Wynkoop Street Mail Code 80C Denver, CO 80202-1129 dew.wendy@epa.gov |
Region 9 - AZ, CA, HI, NV, American Samoa, Guam, Mariana Islands | Jorine Campopiano U.S. EPA, Region 9 75 Hawthorne Street Mail Code CED-4 San Francisco, CA 94105 campopiano.jorine@epa.gov |
Region 10 - AK, ID, OR, WA | Sally Hanft U.S. EPA, Region 10 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900 Mail Code ETPA-202 Seattle, WA 98101 hanft.sally@epa.gov |
Headquarters - Washington, DC | Karen Scott U.S. EPA Office of the Administrator/Office of Environmental Education 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW (WJC North, Room 1426, MC-1704A) Washington, DC 20460 eegrants@epa.gov |
EE Grants Awarded Since 1992
Grantees are located in all 50 states and various U.S. territories. Each grant addresses one or more environmental issue, and an educational priority such as teacher training, educational advancement, or career development. A summary of these national statistics is provided below. More than 3,600 grants have been awarded nationwide since 1992.
For detailed information on EE Grants, click on the EPA Region on the map below and then click on your state of interest.
The most recent grants were awarded using 2015 funds and are listed as "2015 Grants." From the 2015 grant cycle, applicants from 26 states received funding: Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michegan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin.

Statistics for 1992-2015 (all EE grants)
Category | Grants | EPA Funds |
Audiences* |
Students | 2,502 | $46,824,718 |
Educators | 2,221 | $46,754,156 |
General Public | 1,377 | $26,248,285 |
Types of Organizations |
College/University | 634 | $16,101,645 |
Local government agency (county/city) | 251 | $2,876,849 |
Non-commercial broadcaster | 15 | $687,147 |
Non-profit organization | 1,961 | $37,529,241 |
School/school district/school board | 589 | $6,563,551 |
State government agency | 162 | $4,097,349 |
Tribal education or tribal non-profit organization | 68 | $900,702 |
Environmental Issues* |
Air/Climate | 209 | $7,003,274 |
Biodiversity/ecosystem/habitat/species | 1,048 | $18,699,330 |
Human health | 296 | $5,930,794 |
Pesticides | 65 | $1,451,301 |
Soil/agriculture | 187 | $3,027,007 |
Solid waste | 309 | $4,300,113 |
Toxic substances | 176 | $4,599,513 |
Water | 1,242 | $24,817,940 |
General environmental literacy | 1,353 | $27,080,649 |
Communities/recycling/redevelopment | 4 | $703,821 |
State and Tribal Partnerships | 4 | $558,176 |
Years |
2015 | 35 | $3,306,594 |
2014 | 35 | $3,306,600 |
2013 | 20 | $2,778,160 |
2012 | 21 | $3,614,630 |
2011 | 56 | $3,707,490 |
2010 | 89 | $3,438,507 |
2009 | 92 | $3,354,289 |
2008 | 111 | $3,354,158 |
2007 | 51 | $1,341,747 |
2006 | 138 | $2,685,467 |
2005 | 134 | $2,689,803 |
2004 | 178 | $2,780,786 |
2003 | 196 | $2,694,765 |
2002 | 207 | $2,784,719 |
2001 | 228 | $2,771,464 |
2000 | 166 | $2,319,305 |
1999 | 207 | $2,481,059 |
1998 | 254 | $3,052,456 |
1997 | 267 | $3,136,405 |
1996 | 212 | $2,132,323 |
1995 | 256 | $2,988,884 |
1994 | 249 | $2,871,118 |
1993 | 261 | $2,726,521 |
1992 | 217 | $2,439,234 |
Total | 3,680 | $68,756,484 |
*Many grants are directed toward more than one audience and address multiple environmental issues, so numbers exceed 100%.