E-Enterprise for the Environment

About E-Enterprise for the Environment

E-Enterprise for the Environment is a new model for collaborative leadership among environmental co-regulators. Working together, environmental leaders at EPA, the states and tribes, are utilizing the E-Enterprise model to simplify, streamline and modernize the implementation of our environmental programs. By streamlining business processes and leveraging technology under joint governance, E-Enterprise is enabling the nation’s environmental protection enterprise to be more informed, timely and productive resulting in better health and environmental outcomes while supporting local jobs and communities. E-Enterprise helps foster greater trust among the regulated community, the public, and co-regulators by improving data integrity and communication.

Our Vision

E-Enterprise supports the environment, public health and the economy by modernizing the business of environmental protection. 

The public and the regulated community expect transactions under environmental programs to be modern and efficient.  Yet, the evolving relationship of the EPA, states, and tribes over more than four decades is reflected in environmental programs developed under statutes that have used different approaches and funding mechanisms to address varied environmental problems. While these programs have achieved dramatic improvements in environmental quality, opportunities exist to improve services and the delivery of environmental and public health protection, through collaborative joint governance, technology and access to trusted information. Through E-Enterprise for the Environment, EPA, states and tribes are working together to transform the way we implement programs, as a shared responsibility, into a national enterprise for environmental protection that will benefit the regulated community and the public as well as governments and co-regulators.

Our Value

  • We streamline processes.

    E-Enterprise for the Environment simplifies regulation by streamlining and modernizing the implementation of our environmental programs.

  • We deliver access to trusted information.

    E-Enterprise for the Environment fosters greater trust among the regulated community, the public, and their government by improving data integrity and communication of accurate information.

  • We enhance productivity.

    E-Enterprise for the Environment enables more informed and timely decision making and better environmental results by improving the productivity of the environmental protection enterprise.

Streamlining Processes, Trusted Information, and Enhancing Productivity

E-Enterprise for Environment enables a dramatic reduction in paperwork by offering electronic reporting, optimized operations, and advanced real-time monitoring tools to co-regulators. The tools and technology available to co-regulators are enhanced by mobile applications, online portals, smart tools and other investments in information technology. Streamlining processes and using smarter tools produces improved efficiency making co-regulators more productive.  In turn, these productivity benefits also help regulated entities by reducing the time it takes to report and manage compliance. E-Enterprise for the Environment helps regulated entities and co-regulators save time and improve efficiencies when managing environmental reporting and compliance.

For the Regulated Community

Many entities must comply with environmental regulations.  E-Enterprise for the Environment seeks to simplify compliance by improving access to environmental data, and streamlining and modernizing business processes.  EPA, state and tribal co-regulators are working together with the regulated community as a key component of a continuous process improvement. In the future, E-Enterprise hopes to create important benefits including:

  • Reduced time and costs by moving away from paper-based reporting to online, digital reporting;
  • Access to “smart" online tools that will help the regulated community understand regulatory requirements and provide guidance throughout the submittal process;
  • Integrated, streamlined compliance with federal and state reporting requirements;
  • Streamlined permitting processes that can also enable progress tracking; and
  • A user experience that models the most functional, modern e-commerce platforms.

For Co-Regulators

Environmental co-regulators must increasingly manage more complexity to meet public health and environmental goals and communicate with each other, the regulated community, and the public.  E-Enterprise for the Environment strives to help co-regulators become more productive and simplify the process of environmental protection:

  • Opportunities to collaborate earlier and more meaningfully in project development and ongoing management;
  • Improved access to and use of timelier, more integrated and higher quality information in the decision-making process;
  • Opportunities for significant cost savings through joint governance from sharing IT systems and tools;
  • Grants to co-regulators to implement process and technology changes, to enable complementary development efforts, and to encourage innovation; and
  • Application of advanced monitoring and information technologies allowing environmental problems to be identified and corrected sooner.             

For Citizens

Citizens are engaged and committed to ensuring that our communities remain healthy for future generations. Citizens demand access to timely, accurate information so they can better understand the impact we are having on the environment around us.  E-Enterprise for the Environment strives to provide improved data quality and timeliness as well as ease of access, so citizens can stay informed and engaged as active participants in environmental protection. Future capabilities will include:

  • Customized public access to environmental information and transparency regarding environmental decisions and conditions;
  • A new online portal and mobile applications that will allow users to customize their user experience and easily find the information most relevant to them; and
  • Real-time monitoring of pollutants in air and water.