The Drinking Water Regulations for Arsenic and Clarifications to Compliance and New Source Contaminants Monitoring guidance:
- Summarizes key sections of the proposed rule;
- Provides a "how to approach" for EPA Regions and states to implement the regulation;
- Contains an explanation of the Rule's requirements and guidance for preparing state primacy revision applications;
- Incorporates comments received from EPA Regions, states, technical assistance providers, PWSs, and others.
Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule - Drinking Water Regulations for Arsenic and Clarifications to Compliance and New Source Contaminants Monitoring (PDF)(83 pp, 501 K, About PDF) EPA 816-K-02-018, August 2002
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Appendix Table of Contents (PDF)(4 pp, 72 K)
Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule Appendix
Appendix A. Glossary (PDF)(4 pp, 86 K)
Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule Appendix Glossary A
Appendix B. Arsenic and Clarifications to Compliance and New Source Contaminants Monitoring; Final Rule (66 FR 6976) (PDF)(174 pp, 710 K)
Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule Appendix Glossary B
Appendix C. Arsenic and Clarifications to Compliance and New Source Contaminants Monitoring: Delay of Effective Date; Final Rule (66 FR 28342) (PDF)(20 pp, 158 K)
Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule Appendix Glossary C
Appendix D. Guidance on Calculation of Compliance for the New Arsenic MCL (PDF)(5 pp, 307 K)
Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule Appendix Glossary D
Appendix E. Violation Tables for Data Management and Enforcement Purposes (PDF)(12 pp, 116 K)
Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule Appendix Glossary E
Appendix F. Complying With the Revised Drinking Water Standard for Arsenic: Small Entity Compliance Guide (PDF)(58 pp, 297 K)
Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule Appendix Glossary F
Appendix G. Exemptions and the Arsenic Rule (PDF)(37 pp, 228 K)
Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule Appendix Glossary G
Appendix H. State Reporting Guidance for the Arsenic Rule (PDF)(52 pp, 236 K)
Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule Appendix Glossary H
Supplement: Memorandum: Guidance on Reporting Arsenic Exemptions to the Federal Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS/FED) during Calendar Year 2006 (PDF)(6 pp, 124 K)
Memorandum guidance on reporting arsenic exemptions to SDWIS/FED during CY2006
Appendix I. Sample Extension Agreement (PDF)(8 pp, 99 K)
Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule Appendix Glossary I
Appendix J. Primacy Revision Crosswalks "minor corrections" (PDF)(15 pp, 589 K)
Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule Appendix Glossary J
Appendix K. Statement of Principles - Guidance on Audit Law Issues (PDF)(6 pp, 1 MB)
Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule Appendix Glossary K
Appendix L. Rule Presentations (PDF)(4 pp, 77 K)
Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule Appendix Glossary L
Appendix M. References (PDF)(17 pp, 119 K)
Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule Appendix Glossary M
Appendix N. Fact Sheets (PDF)(12 pp, 117 K)
Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule Appendix Glossary N