These documents are the appendices to the implementation guidance to states, tribes and U.S. EPA Regions exercising primary enforcement responsibility under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
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Interim Enhanced SWTR Implementation Guidance Appendices (PDF)(94 pp, 794 K,
June 2001)
Appendix A to the Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule implementation guidance includes the primacy revision crosswalks
LT1 Implementation Guidance Appendices (PDF)(210 pp, 5 MB,
August 2004)
The appendix to the Long Term 1 Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT1) includes the primacy revision crosswalk
Filter Backwash Recycling Rule Implementation Guidance Appendices (PDF)(72 pp, 852 K,
June 2004)
This Filter Backwash Recycling Rule implementation guidance appendices includes the primacy revision crosswalk