Topics include:
- Treatment
- Disposal
- Point-of-use
- Case studies
Arsenic Rule Webcast Agenda (PDF)(1 pg, 68 K)
Agenda Arsenic Rule Web Cast - December 1, 2004, 2:00 -4:00 pm ET
Written Transcript (PDF)(28 pp, 186 K)
A written transcript of the EPA's Arsenic Rule Webcast - December 1, 2004
An Overview of the Arsenic Rule (PDF)(15 pp, 403 K)
Informative document giving an overview of the Arsenic Rule
Arsenic in the Environment: Health Effects and Risk Assessment (PDF)(20 pp, 161 K)
A presentation by Charles O. Abernathy, Ph.D., Toxicologist, Office of Water, US EPA, Washington, DC
Centrally Managed POU Treatment for Compliance with the Arsenic Rule Grimes Study (PDF)(31 pp, 929 K)
A presntation on how to identify, measure, and record conditions for successful implementation of centrally managed POU treatment for compliance with the SDWA
The Financial Considerations of an Exemption (PDF)(8 pp, 280 K)
New regulations or changes in existing MCLs, such as the arsenic standard, are less difficult to implement in water systems that have acceptabl acceptable TFM capacities. Systems with inadequate financial and management capacity are mo more likely to re have problems implementing new regulatory requirements. TFM capacity assessment is not routinely performed on systems th that demonstrate at good testing results, or that are not requesting funding from the State Revolving Funds
Implementing a Point-of-Use (POU)/Point-of-Entry (POE) Strategy (PDF)(10 pp, 482 K)
Critical questions for the community (and water system) for implementing a POU strategy
Point-of-Use and Point-of-Entry (PDF)(21 pp, 235 K)
Point-of-Use and Point-of-Entry. Includes SDWA and ANSI NSF Standards
Question and Answer Fact Sheet (PDF)(14 pp, 68 K)
Questions and Answers from the Arsenic Webcast, December 1, 2004