3Ts for Reducing Lead in Drinking Water: Training
It is important to train school officials to raise awareness of the potential occurrences, causes, and health effects of lead in drinking water; assist school officials in identifying potential areas where elevated lead may occur; and establishing a testing plan to identify and prioritize testing sites.
3Ts Documents:
- What You Should Know to Protect Children in Your School or Child Care Facility(3 pp, 652 K, December 2005, EPA 816-E-05-006, About PDF)
- 3Ts Frequently Asked Questions Lead Exposure: the Risks and Remedies(4 pp, 215 K, December 2005, EPA 816-E-05-006, About PDF)
- National Resources(2 pp, 629 K, December 2005, EPA 816-E-05-006, About PDF)
- 3Ts Factsheet for Public Water Suppliers(2 pp, 387 K, October 2007, EPA 816-F-07-023, About PDF)
- 3Ts: a Guide for Community Partners(16 pp, 9.3 MB, August 2006, EPA 816-K-06-006, About PDF)
Additional Links:
Healthy School Environments
Healthy School Environments
This EPA website provides one-stop access to many programs and resources to help prevent and resolve environmental issues in schools.
Department of Education Safe and Drug Free Schools Exit
This Department of Education website offers resources on various school health and safety topics.
Lead Poisoning Prevention
EPA's Lead Awareness Program:
- Designs outreach activities and educational materials,
- Awards grants, and
- Manages a toll-free hotline to help parents, homeowners, and lead professionals learn what they can do to protect their families, and themselves, from the dangers of lead.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention ProgramExit
The Lead Contamination Control Act of 1988 authorized the CDC to initiate program efforts. Programs will aim to eliminate childhood lead poisoning in the United States. Visit this website for information on partnerships, publications, and various other materials.
National Lead Information Center (NLIC)
The NLIC provides the general public and professionals with information about lead hazards and prevention. The NLIC operates under a contract with EPA. It receives funding from:
- EPA,
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and
- The Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Kid's Health
Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSUs)Exit
The Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC) at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the EPA has established a network of Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSUs). The PEHSUs have been developed to provide education and consultation for:
- Health professionals,
- Public health professionals, and
- Others about the topic of children's environmental health.
Children and Drinking Water Standards
This booklet explains how national standards contribute to drinking water safety. It helps readers make informed, reasonable choices about the water they and their children drink.
Testing Schools and Child Care Centers for Lead in the Drinking Water
This page provides resources to effectively test for lead in schools and child care centers.
Return to the Drinking Water in Schools and Childcare Facilities Page.