3Ts for Reducing Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Child Care Facilities
EPA’s 3Ts was developed to assist schools with lead in drinking water prevention programs. It is intended for use by school officials responsible for the maintenance and/or safety of school’s drinking water. The document introduces the 3Ts for reducing lead in drinking water which includes:
- Training school officials to raise awareness of the potential occurrences, causes, and health effects of lead in drinking water.
- Testing drinking water in schools to identify potential problems and take corrective actions as necessary.
- Telling students, parents, staff, and the larger community about monitoring programs, potential risks, the results of testing, and remediation actions.
3Ts for Reducing Lead in Drinking Water in Schools: Technical Guidance(104 pp, 3 MB, October 2006, EPA 816-B-05-008, About PDF
3Ts for Reducing Lead in Drinking Water in Child Care Facilities: Revised Guidance(16pp, 483 K, EPA-816-R-05-001, December 2005, About PDF)
Additional 3Ts documents
Fact Sheets and Brochures:
- 3Ts for Reducing Lead in Drinking Water in Schools Brochure(2 pp, 135 K, December 2005, EPA 816-05-009, About PDF)
- Introducing the 3Ts for Reducing Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Child Care Facilities(2 pp, 269 K, December 2005, EPA 816-E-05-006, About PDF)
3Ts for Public Water Systems:
- 3Ts Factsheet for Public Water Suppliers(2 pp, 387 K, October 2007, EPA 816-F-07-023, About PDF)
Community Partners:
- 3Ts: a Guide for Community Partners(16 pp, 9.3 MB, August 2006, EPA 816-K-06-006, About PDF)