Data Standards

Tribal Identifier Data Standard

Conformance with the Tribal Identification data standard requires EPA systems with tribal information to maintain accurate and current tribal names, codes, and EPA internal identifiers. Tribe names may change periodically, making manual maintenance of tribal entity information difficult. In response to requests for a simplified approach, EPA developed the TRIBES Web services Exit to enable automated implementation of this data standard. EPA strongly encourages the use of the TRIBES Web services for implementation of the Tribal Identification data standard.

In addition to the TRIBES Web services, EPA has also created a spreadsheet (see 'Tribe Entity Mapping' below) that displays name changes over time, as well as the associated tribal codes and EPA internal identifiers. This spreadsheet does not contain BIA codes for Alaska Native Villages - BIA has indicated that new codes will be assigned in the near future. Once those codes have been established, EPA will update the Tribe Entity Mapping spreadsheet with this information.

Tribe Entity Mapping (XLS)(286 pp, 548 K, 05/04/2016)

Click here for the Bureau of Indian Affair's Tribal DirectoryExit

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