Lesson 3: System Description(s)

The System Description component documents how the system(s) meet the CROMERR standards.
To help applicants complete this description, EPA has developed a CROMERR System Checklist Template and strongly encourages you to use it. The template reflects the Checklist Requirements Roadmap, which lays out the CROMERR standards as a list of 20 performance-based system requirements. These requirements are divided into five categories: Registration, Signature Process, Submission Process, Signature Validation, and Creation of the Copy of Record (COR).
The descriptions that an applicant provides for each of the 20 checklist requirements reflect how the applicant's system(s) will meet the CROMERR standards. When applicable, supporting documentation should be attached to the descriptions. Such attachments may include the Electronic Signature Agreement, system users' guides, various process diagrams, and system screenshots and/or printouts. The CROMERR standards are explained in Lesson 6. Lesson 7 then describes how the CROMERR standards are expressed as checklist requirements, and explains how to use the System Checklist Template.
- Blank System Checklist (DOC)(13 pp, 120 K)
- CROMERR System Checklist (XLS)(16 pp, 75 K)
- Sample Approved Delaware CROMERR System Checklist (ZIP)(35 pp, 963 K)