Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Rule

Lesson 3: Application Requirements

This lesson is for states that plan to submit CROMERR applications to EPA to modify or revise their authorized programs to incorporate electronic reporting. This lesson includes details about the application as well as instructions for submission. The result of EPA approval is to modify or revise those programs.

This lesson covers:

  • Required elements of a CROMERR application
  • Typical application components used to meet the requirements
  • Submitting the application

These topics are covered from the perspective of states using the CROMERR Part 3 Application Process. States may apply for their program revisions or modifications using processes provided under other parts of Title 40, but their applications must still include the same required elements described in this lesson.

Using processes provided under other parts of Title 40

There are two ways to submit a CROMERR application. This lesson is focused on the special 40 CFR Part 3 Application Process, but applications may also be submitted under other parts of Title 40. Applications submitted to EPA Program or Regional Offices under other parts of Title 40 must:
  • Use applicable program approval or revision processes under other Parts of Title 40;
  • Meet the application requirements under 3.1000; and
  • Demonstrate conformance with 3.2000 requirements.
Regardless of the process used, the required application elements are the same. However, non-Part 3 applications can only address a single program.

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