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Choose Fish and Shellfish Wisely

What is EPA Doing to Protect You From Contaminated Fish and Shellfish?

EPA collaborates with states and tribes and develops information to assist them in issuing local fish advisories. To support this effort, EPA conducts and publishes research on fish contamination and fish tissue analyses.

EPA also works with state, tribal and federal partners to provide information about what species of fish are safe to eat, and ultimately works to reduce contaminants in the environment and protect aquatic habitats.

Assisting with Advisories

Men on a boat studying fish for contamination
Men on a boat studying fish for contamination

EPA provides guidance to states, territories and tribes about issuing fish consumption advisories when contaminant levels in fish or water bodies are unsafe. In addition, EPA encourages states to issue safe eating guidelines to inform the public about which fish species are safe to eat without consumption restrictions.

EPA generates fish tissue contaminant data in order to determine safe human consumption rates.

In addition, EPA also provides educational and outreach materials related to fish and shellfish consumption and informs people about advisories where they live.

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