Kansas Operating Permit Approval History

The EPA has granted full approval for the Kansas Title V operating permit program. EPA has also approved the Kansas Class II intermediate operating permit program.

Below are the relevant Federal Register notices for the Kansas title V operating permit program and the initial approval of the Kansas Class II intermediate operating permit program. The approved Part 70 regulations can be found starting at K.A.R. 28-19-500.

Exit The Federal Register links provided below are provided by the U.S. Government Publishing Office. You will need Adobe Reader to view these files. See EPA's About PDF page to learn more.

Effective Date Federal Register Date Federal Register Notices
3-28-2014 1-27-2014

Direct final approval of K.A.R. 28–19–202 and 28–19–517 (.pdf, 3 pp, 239 K)

Proposed direct final approval of K.A.R. 28–19–202 and 28–19–517 (.pdf, 1 pg, 71 K)

12-30-2010 12-30-2010

Narrowing previous approval of certain State permitting thresholds for greenhouse gas emissions so that only sources that equal or exceed the greenhouse gas thresholds established in the final Tailoring Rule would be covered as major sources by the Federally-approved programs in the affected States (.pdf, 16 pp, 204 K)


Proposed greenhouse gas Tailoring Rule (.pdf, 74 pp, 434 K)

4-8-2008 2-8-2008

Direct final approval of K.A.R. 28-19-517 (.pdf, 5 pp, 195 K)

Proposed direct final approval of K.A.R. 28-19-517 (.pdf, 2 pp, 171 K)

9-27-2004 7-29-2004

Direct final approval of increased emissions fees (.pdf, 3 pp, 181 K)

Proposed direct final approval (.pdf, 1 pg, 168 K)

10-6-2003 8-6-2003

Direct final approval of annual emission inventory due date and revision to the annual emissions fee (.pdf, 3 pp, 169 K)

Proposed direct final approval (.pdf, 2 pp, 165 K)

2-29-1996 1-30-1996

Final full approval (.pdf, 1 pp, 19 K)


Proposed approval (.pdf, 1 pp, 35 K)

9-15-1995 7-17-1995

Direct final approval for Kansas class II permit program (.pdf, 1 pp, 31 K)

Proposed direct final approval for Kansas class II permit program (.pdf, 1 pg, 14 K)