Burn Wise

Burn Wise - Changeout Guide

How a Changeout Campaign Works

Approximately 10 million wood stoves are currently in use in the United States, and 65 percent of them are older, inefficient, conventional stoves. Just 20 old, non-EPA certified wood stoves can emit more than 1 ton of fine particle pollution (PM 2.5) into your area during the cold months of the year. A successful wood-burning replacement program and changeout can significantly reduce harmful pollution including PM2.5, CO2, methane and air toxics.

During a changeout campaign, consumers receive financial incentives to replace older wood-burning appliances with cleaner home heating, such as EPA certified wood and pellet stoves, EPA qualified hydronic heaters and fireplace retrofits, gas or electric appliances.

How to Implement a Wood-burning Changeout Program focuses on ways communities can use an effective residential wood-burning appliance changeout as part of a pollution reduction strategy. This guide identifies best practices and recommendations for a successful program and offers ways to maximize funding and air quality benefits.

Strategies for Reducing Residential Wood Smoke (PDF) (44pp, 738k) shares voluntary and regulatory guidance on how state, tribal and local areas can reduce wood smoke and improve air quality.

If you are interested in implementing a wood-burning appliance changeout, contact Larry Brockman at brockman.larry@epa.gov or 919-541-5398.

Burn Wise Case Studies

Wood Stove Changeout ProgramsExit- - A comprehensive list of changeouts around the country