Brownfields Grantee Reporting / Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES)
ACRES Information
The Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) is an online database for Brownfields Grantees to electronically submit data directly to EPA. Not all grantees have access to the ACRES system; please contact your Regional Representative with any questions.
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Frequently Asked Questions
ACRES Training and Quick Reference Guides
- Online ACRES Training is here!
- ACRES Registration & Login Documents
- ACRES Training Presentations
- Job Training Grantees
- Area-Wide planning grantees
- EPA Project Officer
- Helpful Tips and Tools
Grant Information
- Assessment Grants
Who certifies an environmental assessment complete?
An environmental professional or state official who prepared the environmental assessment report that has been accepted by the recipient.
- Cleanup Grants
Cleanup Grants
Who certifies a cleanup complete?
A state or tribe under its voluntary response program (or its equivalent) or the cooperative agreement recipient or the property owner, upon the recommendation of an environmental professional, who has determined and documented that on-property cleanup work was completed to a regulatory risk-based standard.
Do recipients need to have a "clean" or "no further action" letter or its equivalent (e.g., certificate of completion) to verify/certify cleanup completion?
Yes, if the property is enrolled in a state or tribal cleanup program (i.e., voluntary response program (or its equivalent)), then a "clean" or "no further action" letter or its equivalent (e.g., certificate of completion) must be issued by the state or tribe to certify that cleanup activities at the property were completed to a regulatory risk-based standard.
If the property is not enrolled in a state or tribal cleanup program (i.e., voluntary response program (or its equivalent)), then the cooperative agreement recipient or property owner must obtain documentation from an environmental professional that on-property work was completed to a regulatory risk-based standard.
- Revolving Loan Fund Grants
What type of Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) information is entered for cleanup?
RLF cooperative agreement recipients are required to report cleanup information including:
- Cleanup Activity Start Date
- Cleanup Activity Completion Date
- Acres Cleaned Up
- EPA Funding Category and Amount:
- Indicate the amount of the loan used to perform environmental cleanup activities at the property. Loan amounts should be reported when the loan is issued to the borrower (i.e., when the loan document is signed and legally binding).
- Indicate the amount of the subgrant used to perform environmental cleanup activities at the property. Subgrant amounts should be reported when the subgrant is awarded (i.e., when the subgrant is signed and legally binding).
What type of Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) information is entered for redevelopment?
Redevelop information regardless of type of cooperative agreements is considered "leveraged" (i.e., non-EPA Brownfields grant funds and activities that have some link or nexus to the efforts of an EPA grant-funded activity, or where the EPA grant-funded activity was a catalyst for the leveraged accomplishments). Therefore, if redevelopment has started at a property targeted by RLF funds, RLF recipients should enter information relating to redevelopment activities leveraged by the EPA funding including but not limited to the redevelopment start and completion date, redevelopment jobs leveraged, and redevelopment dollars leveraged.
Grantee Reporting
- Property Profile Form
The property profile form is completed by EPA grantees. This form is required for Assessment, Cleanup, Revolving Loan Fund, and state and tribal 128(a) grants. The form is available in PDF format with or without instructions.- Property Profile Form (Excel)(1 pg, 293 K)
- Property Profile Form Instructions (PDF) (19 pp, 290K) Instructions on completing the property profile form.
- Multiple Property Spreadsheet (Excel)(1 pg, 67 K) (90K). Please contact your regional Brownfields representative to determine if it is appropriate to use the Multiple Property Spreadsheet.
- Job Training Reporting Form (PDF) (4 pp, 356K).
The job training form is completed by EPA grantees. This form is required for job training grants. - Area Wide Planning (AWP) Form
The Area Wide Planning Form is completed by EPA grantees. This form is required for Area Wide Planning grants.- AWP Reporting Form (Excel)(1 pg, 34 K)
- AWP Instructions
- Brownfields Photo Submission Form
Do you have photos of brownfields properties or projects associated with an EPA Brownfields cooperative agreement? We are interested in photos from every stage - historical, assessment sampling, cleanup activities, construction. Please complete this land revitalization photo submission form to send us your photos.
Need More Help?
- For technical support, contact us at 703-284-8212 or email us at
- For questions specific to your grant data, contact your EPA Regional Representative.