Page 90 - WaterSense at Work

October 2012
Washer’s water-efficiency factor in gallons per pound of fabric.
Average number of pounds of fabric per load.
Average number of loads per year.
Equation 3-11. Water Use of Washer Extractor or Tunnel Washer (gallons per year)
=Water-Efficiency Factor x Pounds of Fabric x Number of Loads
Water-Efficiency Factor (gallons per pound of fabric)
Pounds of Fabric (pounds of fabric per load)
Number of Loads (loads per year)
Water Savings
To calculate water savings that can be achieved from retrofitting an existing washer
extractor or tunnel washer, multiply the water use of the existing laundry equipment
as calculated using Equation 3-11 by the savings potential for the appropriate retrofit
option indicated in the Table 3-1 above (Equation 3-10).
To calculate the simple payback from the water savings associated with retrofitting
an existing washer extractor or tunnel washer, consider the equipment and installa-
tion cost of the retrofit option, the water savings as calculated using Equation 3-10,
and the facility-specific cost of water and wastewater.
Because washers use hot water, a reduction in water use will also result in energy
savings, further reducing the payback period and increasing replacement cost-
effectiveness. More efficient washers may also require less detergent, which may
reduce overall operating costs and reduce the payback period.
Coin- or Card-OperatedWasher or Multi-LoadWasher Replacement
Coin- or card-operated washer or multi-load washers can be replaced with more ef-
ficient laundry equipment. Look for washers with the ENERGY STAR label.
Current Water Use
To estimate the current water use of a coin- or card-operated washer or multi-load
washer, use Equation 3-9.
Water Use After Replacement
To estimate the water use of a more efficient replacement commercial coin- or
card-operated washer or multi-load washer, use Equation 3-9, substituting the water
Laundry Equipment