Page 55 - WaterSense at Work

October 2012
Codes, Standards, and Voluntary Programs for Water Efficiency
Several sector-specific programs are also available that focus on issues and challeng-
es common across a particular sector. For example, green hospitality programs now
exist in almost every state that provide recognition or facilitate information sharing
between partners.
These networks can provide expert advice to find new ways to
implement water-efficiency initiatives—saving water, energy, and resources at the
same time.
Reference Resources
If installing new or replacing existing water-using products or appliances, consider
referencing resources, such as the AWE’s list of current and proposed national effi-
ciency standards and voluntary specifications for residential and commercial water-
using fixtures and appliances.
This list is updated on a regular basis to reflect the
most recent standards and voluntary specifications. In addition, look for products
that have the earned the WaterSense label or are ENERGY STAR qualified.
Check with local jurisdictions or utilities regarding any water-efficiency incentives or
rebates they may offer. Both WaterSense
maintain lists of some
utility partners’ rebate programs.
For new construction or major renovation projects, consider following relevant por-
tions of the national green building standards, codes, or voluntary guidelines. Com-
pliance with these green building criteria can save water and be cost-effective. Some
of these programs even offer certification or public recognition for conformance. For
example, LEED certified buildings can be advertised and marketed with the LEED
logo and appropriate rating (i.e., Certified, Silver, Gold, Platinum).
Additional Resources
Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE). Green Building Guidelines & Standards.
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Standards & Certification FAQ.
AWE. Standards & Codes for Water Efficiency.
Ceres. Ceres Aqua Gauge.
Consortium for Energy Efficiency, Inc.
Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Green Lodging Designation Program.
AWE. Green Building Guidelines & Standards,
EPA’s WaterSense program. WaterSense Rebate Finder.
EPA and DOE’s ENERGY STAR. Special Offers and Rebates from ENERGY STAR Partners.