Page 49 - WaterSense at Work

October 2012
User Education and Facility Outreach
Outreach to Visitors and Audiences Outside the Facility
Consider the following when looking to
broaden the outreach of your facility’s water-
efficiency efforts:
Work with local utilities to participate in
their commercial and institutional water
conservation programs and to share suc-
cess stories with other facilities.
Create displays presenting facility water
savings for the facility lobby and other
public reception areas.
Use signage, brochures, and other promo-
tional materials to inform visitors, custom-
ers, and others about the facility’s water-
efficiency program and actions people can
take in restrooms or other areas to save
Additional Resources
Alliance for Water Efficiency. Water Savings Tips: Commercial, Industrial, and Institu-
tional Water Use.
Schultz Communications. July 1999.
AWater Conservation Guide for Commercial, Insti-
tutional and Industrial Users
Prepared for the New Mexico Office of the State Engineer.
State of California, Department of Water Resources. October 1994.
Water Efficiency
Guide for Business Managers and Facility Engineers
Example signage at an EPA Gulf Ecology Division (GED) facility