Page 31 - WaterSense at Work

October 2012
Water Management Planning
Conduct a detailed reassessment of the facility approximately every four years to
develop an updated water balance and identify new water management goals
and savings opportunities.
Step 7. Recognizing Achievements
To gain and sustain support for a facility’s water management program, the water
management team can consider providing recognition for water management activi-
ties and achievements. This includes recognizing the contributions of those who
have helped achieve the water management goals, as well as promoting the success
of the program internally and to external stakeholders. Following are a few ways to
recognize water management efforts:
Establish an internal recognition program to award personnel or teams that pro-
vided significant contributions toward achieving the water management goals.
This might include an award for the generation of the best water-efficiency ideas
or the achievement of the greatest water use reductions (if measurable on an
individual basis).
Respond to employee and staff suggestions and reports of issues to encourage
all parts of the organization to participate in the efforts.
Explore opportunities for external recognition, such as competing in ENERGY
STAR’s annual National Building Competition,
which recognizes top water savers.
Report progress publicly to interested stakeholders to gain support for initiatives
and recognition for water-efficiency achievements.
Report progress to facility staff and building occupants by using a newsletter
or other outreach means as discussed in
Section 2.4: User Education and Facility
EPA and DOE’s ENERGY STAR. National Building Competition.
Water Management Planning Case Study
To learn how EPA’s comprehensive water
management strategy resulted in an 18.7
percent reduction in water use across 29 of
its laboratories in just three short years, read
the case study in Appendix A.