Page 293 - WaterSense at Work

October 2012
Reducing potable water use saved MED both water supply and sewer costs, since the
lake water used for non-contact, single-pass cooling was sent back to Lake Superior
instead of the sanitary sewer. This results in savings of approximately $75,000 in water
and sewer costs per year.
In 2009, MED spent approximately $3,500 to replace the water-cooled ice machine
with the ENERGY STAR qualified, air-cooled model. In addition to saving an estimated
gallons of water per year, MED saved $2,800 per year in water and sewer bills
and realized a payback period of less than two years from this installation.
Overall, MED has reduced its potable water use from approximately 9 million gallons
per year in the early 1990s to only 884,000 gallons in 2010. In 2011, MED initiated plans
to install WaterSense® labeled flushing urinals and dual-flush toilets to further reduce
its potable water use. The facility’s commitment to water savings has helped EPA to
meet its Agencywide water reduction goals.
EPA’s WaterSense program acknowledges the following individuals for providing
information for this case study:
Dexter Johnson, Water Management Coordinator, EPA
Bucky Green, Chief, Sustainable Facilities Practices Branch, EPA
Rod Booth, Facilities Manager, MED, EPA
A.6 Laboratory Eliminates Single-Pass Cooling