Page 23 - WaterSense at Work

October 2012
Water Management Planning
When setting and communicating goals, consider the following:
Ensure that goals are measureable and achievable. Remember that goals can
always be strengthened if the organization achieves success sooner than initially
Establish realistic implementation timeframes and dates.
Consider facility-specific conditions, such as long-term drought or water use
restrictions, when establishing goals.
Communicate goals to employees, building occupants, and other relevant stake-
holders to gain support for future projects.
Conduct a kickoff event to engage employees facility-wide.
Step 4. Creating an Action Plan
Using the water balance as a guide and considering any major areas for improve-
ment noted during the water assessment, the water management team can create a
detailed action plan. This includes solidifying water savings opportunities into spe-
cific projects or operation and maintenance changes and prioritizing that project list.
The action plan should determine which projects and practices can be implemented
at the facility to achieve established water management goals. Creating an action
plan consists of the following steps:
Identifying projects and calculating cost and potential savings
Identifying financing sources
Calculating simple payback
Prioritizing projects
Documenting project priorities in a detailed action plan
Identifying Projects and Calculating Cost and Potential Savings
To develop an initial list of potential projects, consider the following:
Utilize information gathered during the water assessment to determine which
operation and maintenance changes and retrofit and replacement projects
might be viable at the facility. Consider the largest uses of water identified from
the water assessment and included in the facility water balance. These might be
areas to target for the most significant water savings.
Review the checklist in Table 1-4 to help identify potential projects and practices
for inclusion in the action plan. The checklist can be filled out after the water
assessment to help the facility owner or manager determine where to focus his
or her efforts.
Consider the impact of codes and standards, which may mandate or incentivize
the use of certain fixtures or equipment (see
Section 2.5: Codes, Standards, and
Voluntary Programs for Water Efficiency