Page 135 - WaterSense at Work

October 2012
Food Disposals
Figure 4-6. Food Pulper System Diagram
Food strainers are an alternative to traditional garbage disposals and food pulpers.
As food scraps are rinsed from dishes, a scrap or strainer basket in the bottom of the
sink captures the waste for later disposal or composting. Another type of combina-
tion system acts as both a food pulper and food strainer, recirculating water for pulp-
ing of food scraps and collecting food scraps in a strainer basket for later disposal.
Before installing a new or replacing an existing food disposal system, consider any local
restrictions on systems that discharge food waste to the sanitary sewer. Some areas have
banned garbage disposals or have placed additional sewer charges on operations using
them, due to concerns about increased loads on the local wastewater treatment plant.
Operation, Maintenance, and User Education
For optimal food disposal efficiency, consider the following:
Where possible, turn off the water to the food disposal system during idle peri-
ods when the system is not in use and when the facility is closed.
Scrape larger food scraps into a trash receptacle prior to rinsing food waste into
the food disposal system. Consider composting food waste if appropriate. See
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) composting Web page
more information.
Do not pour grease into the food disposal system. Doing so can clog pipes over time.
Do not place any hard objects into the food disposal system. This can dull the
blades, reducing the unit’s efficiency.
Food Scraps
Reject Water
FoodWaste Pulp
Food Pulper/
Waste Extractor
Waste Pulp
Disposal Bin
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Composting of Organic Materials.