Page 131 - WaterSense at Work

October 2012
Pre-Rinse Spray Valves
Ensure that the pre-rinse spray valve unit’s hose height is appropriate for the user
i.e., neither too high nor too low). If the pre-rinse spray valve is not situated at
an optimal height, users could choose to use other kitchen sprayers, which may
have higher flow rates.
To decrease water use, train users to manually scrape as much food waste from
dishes as possible before using the pre-rinse spray valve.
If possible, pre-soak heavily soiled dishes in a basin of water
to loosen food residue.
Train users how to properly use the always-on clamp, if avail-
able. Improper use of the always-on clamp could lead to
unnecessary water waste. If a constant stream of water is not
necessary, train users to manually depress the pre-rinse spray
valve handle only when water is needed.
Periodically inspect pre-rinse spray valves for scale buildup to
ensure flow is not being restricted. There are certain cleaning
products designed to dissolve scale buildup from pre-rinse
spray valves. Do not attempt to bore holes in the pre-rinse
spray valve, as this may lead to increased water use or cause
performance problems. If scale cannot be removed, consider
replacing the pre-rinse spray valve with a new model.
Periodically inspect pre-rinse spray valves for leaks and bro-
ken or loose parts. If necessary and possible, tighten screws
and fittings to stop leakage. If the product cannot be manu-
ally adjusted to perform properly, consider replacing the
pre-rinse spray valve.
Conduct routine inspections for leaks and train appropriate custodial and clean-
ing personnel and users to identify and report leaks.
Retrofit Options
Because pre-rinse spray valves are relatively inexpensive, consider replacement rath-
er than a retrofit or extensive repair. In general, avoid retrofitting existing, inefficient
pre-rinse spray valves with flow control inserts (which restrict water flow) to reduce
the flow rate. These devices might not provide adequate performance in some facili-
ties, thereby increasing use time and total water used.
Replacement Options
When installing new pre-rinse spray valves or replacing older, inefficient pre-rinse
spray valves, choose models with flow rates of 1.3 gpm or less.
User manually depressing pre-rinse spray
valve handle during use