Page 115 - WaterSense at Work

October 2012
Steam Kettles
Savings Potential
Retrofitting or replacing existing steam kettles can yield significant water savings. For
a boiler-based steam kettle, the water savings achieved by returning the condensate
to the boiler can be substantial. Actual water savings are difficult to approximate
because the water use of a steam kettle varies based on its size and the pressure of
the steam.
To estimate facility-specific water savings and payback, use the following informa-
Current Water Use
To estimate the water use of a steam kettle, identify the following information and
use Equation 4-7:
Water use per day of the existing steam kettle. The equipment manufacturer or
vendor should be able to help determine the daily water use.
Days of facility operation per year.
Equation 4-7. Water Use of Steam Kettle (gallons per year)
=Water Use of Steam Kettle x Days of Facility Operation
Water Use of Steam Kettle (gallons per day)
Days of Facility Operation (days per year)
Water Use After Retrofit or Replacement
To estimate the water use after retrofitting or replacing an existing steam kettle, use
Equation 4-7, substituting water use of the new configuration or new system for the
water use of the existing steam kettle.
Water Savings
To calculate the water savings that can be achieved from retrofitting or replacing an
existing steam kettle, identify the following information and use Equation 4-8:
Current water use as calculated using Equation 4-7.
Water use after retrofit or replacement as calculated using Equation 4-7.