Page 111 - WaterSense at Work

October 2012
Steam Cookers
Use ENERGY STAR’s commercial kitchen equipment savings calculator
to estimate
facility-specific water, energy, and cost savings for replacing an existing boiler-based
steam cooker with an ENERGY STAR qualified model.
The Food Service Technology Center also has a life cycle and energy cost calculator,
which can be used to calculate the savings potential from replacing many types of
commercial kitchen equipment, including steam cookers.
To estimate facility-specific water savings and payback, the facility can also use the
following information.
Current Water Use
To estimate the water use of a steam cooker, identify the following information and
use Equation 4-5:
Water use rate of the existing steam cooker, typically provided in gallons per hour.
Average daily use time.
Days of facility operation per year.
Equation 4-5. Water Use of Steam Cooker (gallons per year)
= Steam Cooker Water Use Rate x Daily Use Time x Days of Operation
Steam Cooker Water Use Rate (gallons per hour)
Daily Use Time (hours per day)
Days of Operation (days per year)
Water Use After Replacement
To estimate the water use after replacing an existing steam cooker with an ENERGY
STAR qualified steam cooker, use Equation 4-5, substituting the water use of the
ENERGY STAR qualified steam cooker for the water use of the existing steam cooker.
Water Savings
To calculate the water savings that can be achieved from replacing an existing steam
cooker, identify the following information and use Equation 4-6:
Current water use as calculated using Equation 4-5.
Water use after replacement as calculated using Equation 4-5.
EPA and DOE’s ENERGY STAR. Savings Calculator for ENERGY STAR Qualified Commercial Kitchen Equipment.
Food Service Technology Center. Commercial Foodservice Equipment Lifecycle Cost Calculator.