Contact EPA Pacific Southwest Water Division
Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Water Program

The Region 9 Water Division is responsible for providing clean and safe surface water, ground water, and drinking water and protecting and restoring aquatic ecosystems in the Pacific Southwest. We oversee state and tribal implementation of core programs to accomplish these goals.
We encourage use of a watershed approach to protect public health and water resources including lakes, rivers, estuaries, oceans, and wetlands. Primary authority for EPA water programs was established by the 1986 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and the 1987 amendments to the Clean Water Act (CWA).
Programs & Resources
- About Us
Region 9's Water Division priorities for water protection and restoration - Compliance & Enforcement
Compliance and enforcement of water regulations - Drinking Water
Programs, security, funding issues, tribal drinking water, resources, partnerships - Grants, Loans & Resources
Financial assistance grants, to support drinking water projects. - Ground Water
Underground injection control, source water protection, tribal ground water, newsletter, projects - Low Impact Development
Treating stormwater as a resource, not a waste - Monitoring, Assessment and Total Maximum Daily Loads Assessment, monitoring, reporting and TMDL Program under section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
Wastewater and storm water permits, pretreatment
- Nonpoint Source Pollution
Polluted runoff, state water quality limited segment lists required under CWA 303(d). - Oceans, Coastlines, Estuaries
Ocean disposal sites | Coral Reefs & grants - Sustainable Water Infrastructure
- Tribal Water Protection Ground water, Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water program
- Water Archive
Outdated but still relevant information - Water Conservation
Can wastewater and water facilities conserve water? Absolutely! - Water Quality Standards | California Water Projects
Work with states and tribes to regulate discharges into surface waters - Watershed Priorities Region 9's active watershed partnerships, targeted watershed grants program.
- Wetlands
Regional wetlands & related habitat, regulatory program, grants
- State and Local Resources
Water resources for Arizona, California, Hawai'i, Nevada