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P2 Tool Quick Start GuidePDF version of P2 Tool Quick Start Guide


The TRI Pollution Prevention (P2) Search Tool offers easy access to the P2 information submitted by industrial facilities in their Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) reports. This guide demonstrates how you can use the P2 Search Tool to help answer your questions about P2, waste management, and environmental progress at facilities. Click on the four main questions below to learn about the primary functions of the Tool or click on a bulleted sub-topic to jump to a specific feature. Click on any item highlighted with a blue box for more details.

Questions covered in this Guide include:

  1. What P2 information is reported to TRI and where can I find definitions of P2 terminology?
  2. How do I find reported P2 practices for a specific chemical and/or industry?
  3. How do I compare P2 progress and waste management practices across facilities?
  4. How do I view the P2 efforts reported by a specific facility?

1. P2 information reported to TRI and P2 terminology

TRI tracks each facility's progress towards the goals of the Pollution Prevention Act using the framework provided by the waste management hierarchy (see below). The Pollution Prevention Overview provides a full explanation of the information collected and meaning of key P2-related terms.

Waste Management Hierarchy

2. Find P2 examples for a specific chemical and industry

Start at the main P2 search page: www.epa.gov/enviro/facts/tri/p2.html. Select Search Criteria and then click "Show P2 Activities."

Image Map of P2 Tool

Overview of Search Results Page

Your P2 search results will be displayed in the default format, where facilities with the greatest reduction in releases are listed first. There are several ways to limit and sort search results. Click on the blue outlined boxes to see how.

3. Compare P2 progress and waste management practices across facilities

Start at the main P2 search page: www.epa.gov/enviro/facts/tri/p2.html. Select Search Criteria and then click "Display Facility Comparison Report."

Overview of Facility Comparison Report Page

Your facility comparison results will be displayed in the default format, with waste quantities displayed for the top 30 facilities. There are several ways to modify the display and view additional metrics. Click on the blue outlined boxes to see how.

The Facility Comparison Chart

4. Learn about the waste management practices and pollution prevention efforts of a specific chemical at a specific facility

The “P2 Details” page contains detailed information about waste management quantities and practices at a specific facility. There are several ways to find the P2 Details Page, as illustrated by the examples above. You can also find P2 Details for a specific chemical/facility by using the basic TRI Search in Envirofacts.

Start at the main TRI Search page in Envirofacts: www.epa.gov/enviro/facts/tri/search.html. Select Search Criteria and click "Search."

The Search Results page shows a list of facilities that meet your search criteria. Select “Report” under P2 Report for the facility you are interested in to navigate to the facility's P2 Report.

The table at the bottom of the facility's P2 Report shows the years in which the specific facility reported P2 information (TRI Section 8.10 and 8.11) for each chemical. On the Pollution Prevention Activities table, select "P2 Details" for the specific chemical of interest.

Overview of P2 Details Page

Waste management and pollution prevention details are provided for the selected chemical and facility in the format below. Click on the blue outlined boxes to learn more about this report.

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