Human Health Ambient Water Quality Criteria

An Online Basic Course

Biking in sunsetThis module, Human Health Ambient Water Quality Criteria, provides extensive information on the history behind developing human health ambient water quality criteria (AWQC). The module also includes information on the type of assessments performed to develop the criteria, establishing and updating criteria as new information becomes available, and more. This online training course was designed by EPA’s Office of Science and Technology for state and tribal employees and the general public to inform and provide guidance to states or tribes in adopting water quality standards in support of the Clean Water Act. The information in this module is based on the updated methodology in EPA Methodology for Deriving Ambient Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Human Health (October 2000).

The course concludes with a brief quiz intended to touch on key aspects of human health AWQC. The main pages of this module and quiz at the end are designed to take approximately 1 hour to complete. (Note that quiz responses are not scored or recorded.)