Cornell Mixing Zone Expert System

Cornell Mixing Zone Expert System (CORMIX) is a water quality modeling and decision support system designed for environmental impact assessment of mixing zones resulting from wastewater discharge from point sources. The system emphasizes the role of boundary interaction to predict plume geometry and dilution in relation to regulatory mixing zone requirements. As an expert system, CORMIX is a user-friendly application which guides the water quality analysts in simulating a site-specific discharge configuration. To facilitate its use, ample instructions are provided, suggestions for improving dilution characteristics are included and warning messages are displayed when undesirable or uncommon flow conditions occur.

CORMIX contains three major subsystems:

  • CORMIX1, is used to predict and analyze environmental impacts of submerged single port discharges to lakes, rivers and estuaries.
  • CORMIX2, may be used to predict plume characteristics of submerged multiport discharges.
  • CORMIX3, is used to analyze positively and neutrally buoyant surface discharges to lakes, rivers and estuaries with a high degree of accuracy.

The CORMIX homepage contains updated information about software releases and model applications.

For more on mixing zones, please view: