Assessment Database (ADB) Listserver

The ADB List is a Lyris ListManager mailing list, hosted on a server and supported by the US EPA. We are guests on this server and should behave as such. Please behave in an ethical and trustworthy manner, meaning:

  • Do not attempt to access, change or delete data unless you are authorized to do so.
  • Do not allow others to use your membership/administrative privileges.
  • Notify the List Owner(s) ( if you detect a security incident on the list.
  • Follow the rules of behavior as specified by the list owners.
  • If you utilize passwords, change the password every 90 days. Use at least 8 characters in the password in an alpha and numeric mix. Passwords should be memorized and not written down.

Failure to follow these rules may result in penalties, such as removal from the list and loss of privileges.

If you have any questions about or problems with ADB Listserver, please do not post them to the list; instead, please email the list admins at Below are basic instructions on how to use the list:

  1. The ADB List is intended for discussion of ADB-related matters only. Entries that are not of interest or relevant to ADB news (e.g., your snail mail address or requests for specific documents or products) should be handled in other ways.
  2. To post a message on ADB for all list subscribers to see, send it via e-mail to:
  3. To subscribe to the list: Send a blank message to: You will receive an acknowledgement and the welcome message.
  4. To unsubscribe from the list: Send a blank message to: The unsubscribe request must be sent from the same e-mail address as the one subscribed from.
  5. You also can visit the ADB List online to change your subscription email address, read and send mail, unsubscribe, read and search archives, or change your settings at any time.

Additional guidance is available in the Listserver Help Documentation.