Voluntary Programs for Improving Air Quality

EPA implements a variety of voluntary programs to improve the quality of the air we breathe.


Collaboration between EPA, states, tribes, and local governments to encourage ozone and fine particulate emission reductions. Learn more about Advance

Air Pollution Training Institute

Training for state and local environmental agency personnel to help them plan a course, register for training, and complete self-instructional and web-based training.  Learn more about Air Pollution Training 

Burn Wise

Collaboration between EPA, state agencies, manufactures, and consumers to emphasize the importance of burning the right wood, the right way, in the right appliance.  Learn more about Burn Wise 

Collision Repair Campaign

Collaboration between EPA, industry, and small businesses to reduce toxic air emissions from auto body shops. Learn more about the Collision Repair Campaign

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in State and Tribal Implementation Plans

Collaboration between EPA, state, tribal, and local agencies to encourage energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) in State and Tribal Implementation Plans (SIPs/TIPs). Learn more about EE/RE