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Urban Waters Partnership

Mystic River Partnership Program Updates


Initiative Open Space

An Initiative Open Space subcommittee meeting was help on September 29th. During the meeting, Chelsea GreenRoots, and environmental justice organization was introduced as a new partner. GreenRoots is working with Urban Waters on restoration efforts for the Mystic River and other water quality and access improvements. Various other reports on open space activities and future projects were discussed.

2015 Water Quality Report Card

The 2015 Water Quality Report Card Grade was announced on May 31, 2016 by EPA Regional Administrator Curt Spalding in coordination with the Mystic River Watershed Association, Congressman Capuano, Mayor Curtatone, and the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. The report announced localized grades for the Mystic River Watershed. The grades are specified for each segment of the watershed, totally fourteen separate stretches of river and tributaries.

The 2015 Mystic River Report Card is available here.

Grants Workshop

In March, the Mystic River Watershed Federal Partnership held an informational event on grants offered by agencies in the Federal Partnership. The event began with a panel of coordinators from four agencies (HUD, USFS, NPS, and FEMA) presenting on programs and grants they offer specifically relating to open space improvements. After brief presentations on each of the programs, the audience asked general questions of the panel as a whole. The general Q&A period was followed by unstructured time for attendees to circulate the room and ask project-specific questions to the panelists in a conversational environment. The event was well recieved by attendees and partners alike.