Urban Waters Partnership

Green Duwamish -- Program Updates


Learning Network Blog on Community Engagement

Hannah Kett published a blog on the effective community engagement efforts to clean up the Duwamish River, which can be read here.

Green-Duwamish Watershed Symposium

The 2017 Green-Duwamish Watershed Symposium focused on organizing the Green-Duwamish Watershed 2017 Workshop. The Workshop will be held on February 27, 2017 at the Tukwila Community Center. 

Read more about the Workshop hereExit


November 10th

The Water Resource Inventory Area 9 Ecosystem Forum met to discuss the proposed Duwamish River Shallow Water Habitat Creation project, a preview of the WRIA 9 2017-2018 State Legislative and Congressional Priorities, and proposed updates to the Habitat Plan including the Re-Green the Green Riparian Revegetation Strategy. This Strategy includes a list and map of priority areas for riparia tree planting, cost estimates, and an interactive map for tracking progress. 

Re-Green the Green Riparian Revegetation Strategy. Exit

November 9th

Stakeholders met to discuss the Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund Cleanup. The meeting's agenda included updates on the cleanup from the Washington State Department of Ecology, the US Environmental Protection Agency, the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition/Technical Advisory Group, and others.

Click here for the fact sheet of the final cleanup plan. Exit


On October 20th, officials from the White House council on Environmental Quality joined state and local officials to announce new federal actions to help protect and recover the health of Puget Sound, one of the nation's largest estuaries. The action signals a firm commitment by the federal government to help restore the iconic estuary. 

Click here for the meeting summary. Exit


The location continues to work as a member of the Green-Duwamish Revegetation Working Group to develop a comprehensive revegetation strategy. The goals of revegetation are to reduce water temperatures to improve salmonid health and survival and to restore healthy native riparian vegetation to mitigate the effects of land use changes, invasive species, and climate warming on the Green River. The group meets monthly and the next meeting is scheduled for March 25th, 2016. A draft strategy is expected by May, 2016.  

February 29

The Green-Duwamish Urban Waters Partnership program co-sponsored the first Green-Duwamish Watershed Symposium which attracted an overflow crowd of 250. The day-long event featured fast-pitch style presentations focused on sharing knowledge, building partnerships, and fostering collaboration across the whole watershed.

Visit this website for additional details. Exit

February 13

Members of the Green-Duwamish Urban Waters team presented at the New Partners for Smart Growth Conference in Portland, OR, which attracted over 2500 participants. Their panel focused on achieving multiple benefits from green stormwater infrastructure and was moderated by the location Ambassador. Presentations featured the power of collective impact in incorporating green infrastructure in urban communities, how green infrastructure is being used to address social and environmental justice issues, and understanding the inextricable link between nature and human health.