Underground Injection Control (UIC)

Compliance Reporting Requirements for Injection Well Owners and Operators, and State Regulatory Programs

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Compliance data collection

EPA collects monitoring data and test results from operators of Class I, II, III, V, and VI injection wells.

Each well class has specific information collection requirements.  In general, Class I, II, III, and VI owners or operators must:

  • Submit permit applications
  • Monitor their wells and report the results
  • Submit plugging and abandonment reports when they close their wells

Class V operators submit a small subset of the information required of Class I, II, III, and VI well operators. Class IV wells are banned—except when they are authorized by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) or Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). 

Reporting forms

Reporting forms, known as the 7520 forms (for their Office of Management and Budget number), are how EPA and primacy states collect and report the information used to determine whether injection wells are operating properly and protecting public health.

There are two categories of 7520 forms.

State summary forms are prepared by the agency with primary enforcement authority, either the primacy state, or the regional EPA direct implementation (DI) program. After completion, the forms are submitted to the national UIC program. The national UIC program uses the information to track, evaluate, and report on program performance.

Owner or operator UIC program forms are prepared by owners or operators and submitted to the agency with primary UIC enforcement authority (primacy):

  • States with primacy
  • Regional EPA program for states, tribes, or territories where EPA directly implements the UIC program

View and download copies of 7520 forms.

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Options for reporting by primacy states and EPA programs 

States and EPA programs have three options for reporting:

Reporting is conducted semi-annually.