
Superfund Data and Reports

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In 2014, the Superfund Program implemented a new information system, the Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS). Efforts to migrate data to SEMS and to enhance data quality are now in the final stages. A subset of reports previously generated by the CERCLIS legacy system are now updated with SEMS data and can be found on this page. Additional reports are still undergoing quality assurance review and will be added at a later date. In these instances, reports from the final CERCLIS data set (dated November 12, 2013, which reflects official end of Fiscal Year 2013 Program progress) can be found below.

The reports and products offered here contain information on the assessment and remediation of current and archived hazardous waste sites. The reports below contain a selected set of data determined to be releasable to the public. These reports are intended to be updated quarterly.

Additional information can be requested by contacting the Superfund Information Center at 800-424-9346.

SEMS Reports - Data updated as of October 10, 2016

The Superfund Program has deployed the Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS), which integrates multiple legacy systems into a comprehensive tracking and reporting tool. The reports below provide updated data on the inventory of active and archived hazardous waste sites evaluated by the Superfund program. It contains sites that are either proposed to be or are on the National Priorities List (NPL) as well as sites that are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. Quality assurance reviews are ongoing for SEMS data, and additional reports will be released as that work is completed. A table containing SEMS reports is below with the descriptions of the reports under the table.

Search for SEMS Reports (Collection 33301)
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Document Title Date Document ID

FOIA 1 - Sites with Potential Smelting-Related Operations: This report includes sites that have smelting-related, or potentially smelting-related, indicators in the SEMS database. The report includes information on the site location as well as contaminants of concern.

List 8R - Active Site Inventory: Displays site and location information at active SEMS sites. An active site is one at which site assessment, removal, remedial, enforcement, cost recovery, or oversight activities are being planned or conducted. NPL sites include latitude and longitude information. For non-NPL sites, a brief site status is provided.

List 8R - Archived Site Inventory: Displays site and location information at sites archived from SEMS. An archived site is one at which EPA has determined that assessment has been completed and no further remedial action is planned under the Superfund program at this time.

All Proposed, Final and Deleted National Priorities List (NPL) Sites: The NPL primarily serves as an information and management tool supporting the Superfund cleanup process. The NPL is comprised of sites proposed to be added to the NPL, sites on the final NPL and sites deleted from the NPL. The FOIA 3, 4, and 5 reports display a list of site and location information on all NPL sites.

CERCLIS Reports and Data Files - Data updated as of November 12, 2013

CERCLIS was decommissioned in 2014, following the deployment of SEMS. The reports found in the table below draw upon the final CERCLIS data set, which represents program progress as of the end of Fiscal Year 2013. Descriptions for these reports can be found under the table. As quality assurance reviews of SEMS data are completed, the reports below will be modified to reflect current SEMS data.

Search CERCLIS Reports and Data Files (Collection 33302)
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Document Title Date Document ID

IC/EC in Remedy Decision Documents: This report contains data from official decision documents (e.g., Records of Decision (ROD), ROD Amendments, Explanation of Significant Difference) identifying institutional and/or engineering controls that are part of the selected remedy. This report does not indicate that the institutional and engineering controls are currently in place nor does it indicate that the ICs/ECs will be in place once the remedy is complete. It only indicates that the decision to include either of them in the remedy is documented as of the completed date of the document.

List 10 - Contaminants at CERCLIS Sites: Lists contaminants recorded for Superfund sites, including the contaminant Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number and maximum concentration level. Affected media and the cleanup action(s) associated with the contaminant are also included, as well as basic site information for the affected sites.

List 11 - Responsible Parties at CERCLIS Sites: Lists responsible parties at Superfund sites that have received Special or General Notice letters from EPA. It displays the party name and address, and data on selected enforcement actions, if present, at the associated sites, as well as basic site information for each site.

SCAP 12 - Non-NPL Sites: Displays the sequence of activities undertaken at all sites in CERCLIS, both National Priorities List (NPL) sites and non-NPL sites. The SCAP 12 can be customized to contain only NPL sites or only Non-NPL sites, as specified in the order. NPL sites include sites proposed to the NPL, sites currently on the final NPL and sites deleted from the final NPL. Non-NPL sites include sites removed from the proposed NPL, sites withdrawn from the final NPL, sites being addressed as part of another NPL site, and all other non-NPL sites. Where available, the report includes funding information for each action, as well as site characterization data.

SCAP 12 - NPL Sites: Displays the sequence of activities undertaken at all sites in CERCLIS, both National Priorities List (NPL) sites and non-NPL sites. The SCAP 12 can be customized to contain only NPL sites or only Non-NPL sites, as specified in the order. NPL sites include sites proposed to the NPL, sites currently on the final NPL and sites deleted from the final NPL. Non-NPL sites include sites removed from the proposed NPL, sites withdrawn from the final NPL, sites being addressed as part of another NPL site, and all other non-NPL sites. Where available, the report includes funding information for each action, as well as site characterization data.

CERCLIS dBASEIII+Format (.dbf) (134 MB Decompressed): This file (, contains fifty-five (55) dBASEIII+ (.dbf) files when decompressed. Combined, these files provide detailed information on hazardous waste sites, potentially hazardous waste sites and remedial activities across the nation. You will need a dBASEIII+ browser or program to read the files. You may also want to view the CERCLIS Record Layout to identify the named fields used.

CERCLIS ASCII Text Format (.txt) (115 MB Decompressed): This file (, contains fifty-five (55) ASCII (.txt) formatted files when decompressed. Combined, these files provide detailed information on hazardous waste sites, potentially hazardous waste sites and remedial activities across the nation.

CERCLIS (.dbf) and (.txt) Record Layout File: The record layout provides field names, character types, character positions and field lengths for the CERCLIS dBASEIII+ (.dbf) and CERCLIS ASCII Text (.txt) downloadable files.

CERCLIS Archived Sites Data Files- Data updated as of  October 25, 2013

The Archive designation means that, to the best of EPA's knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list this site on the National Priorities List (NPL). This decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that, based upon available information, the location is not judged to be a potential NPL site. Data files for sites with the Archive designation can be found in the table below. Descriptions for the CERCLIS Archived Sites Data Files can be found under the table.

Search CERCLIS Reports and Data Files (Collection 33303)
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Document Title Date Document ID

CERCLIS dBASEIII+Format (.dbf) (44.5 MB Decompressed):This file (, contains fifty-five (55) dBASEIII+ (.dbf) files when decompressed. Combined, these files provide detailed information on hazardous waste sites, potentially hazardous waste sites and remedial activities across the nation. You will need a dBASEIII+ browser or program to read the files. You may also want to view the CERCLIS Record Layout to identify the named fields used.

CERCLIS ASCII Text Format (.txt) (28.7 MB Decompressed): This file (, contains fifty-five (55) ASCII (.txt) formatted files when decompressed. Combined, these files provide detailed information on hazardous waste sites, potentially hazardous waste sites and remedial activities across the nation.

CERCLIS (.dbf) and (.txt) Record Layout File: The record layout provides field names, character types, character positions and field lengths for the CERCLIS dBASEIII+ (.dbf) and CERCLIS ASCII Text (.txt) downloadable files.

Frequently asked questions:

What type of information is contained in the CERCLIS database?

The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System is sponsored by EPA’s Office of Superfund Remediation Technology Innovation, Information Management Center. The database contains information on site inspections, preliminary assessments and remediation activities at hazardous waste sites.

What does Archive mean and how can I find information on Archived sites?

Archived sites have been removed and archived from the CERCLIS inventory. This designation means that to the best of EPA’s knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list this site on the National Priorities List (NPL), unless information indicates that this decision was not appropriate or other considerations require a recommendation for listing at a later time. This decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that based upon available information, the location is not judged to be a potential NPL site.

A listing of those sites which have been removed and archived from the inventory of Superfund sites can be obtained by ordering a List 8T report.

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Find site documents

By visiting Superfund's

How can I find actual documents for a site, such as permits and notices?

Visit the Superfund online document repository for Administrative Records and other documents collections. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests can also be made here.

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How can I find the type, level, treatment technologies and cleanup levels of contaminants found at a particular site?

The type, level, treatment technologies and cleanup levels of contaminants found at a particular site can be obtained by requesting a RODS report. Site information such as name and EPA ID or search criteria such as city, state and key words may be listed. A generated report will contain the abstract field and the remedy field. The abstract field describes the site and the primary contaminants. The remedy field describes the treatment technologies and chosen remediation method. A full-text ROD can also be requested, which contains the established cleanup levels for contaminants found at a site.

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