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Sitewide Ready for Anticipated Use (SWRAU) Superfund Sites - Retractions

The determination that a site is SWRAU is based on the information available at the time the determination is made. That determination may revert if site conditions change, or if new or additional information is discovered regarding the contamination at the site. If after a site has been designated as SWRAU, EPA becomes aware that any of the requirements are no longer met, then the site can be retracted. The site can be re-designated as SWRAU only when the requirements outlined in the guidance are met.


Site Name CERCLIS ID Original SWRAU Date Retraction Date
REVERE CHEMICAL CO.* PAD051395499 6/26/2006 7/30/2008
FCX, INC. (WASHINGTON PLANT) NCD981475932 6/26/2006 8/5/2008
MARATHON BATTERY* NYD010959757 6/15/2006 9/30/2008
HENDERSON ROAD* PAD009862939 6/26/2006 10/15/2008
RAYMARK PAD039017694 1/15/2008 10/17/2008
ARMY CREEK LANDFILL* DED980494496 6/27/2008 11/10/2009
KIMBERTON PAD980691703 6/26/2006 11/10/2009
STANLEY KESSLER* PAD014269971 6/26/2006 11/10/2009
DOUGLASSVILLE DISPOSAL* PAD002384865 6/27/2008 6/17/2010
LEHIGH ELECTRIC AND ENGINEERING SITE* PAD980712731 6/27/2008 6/17/2010
NORTH PENN - AREA 12* PAD057152365 6/26/2006 1/7/2011
RESIN DISPOSAL PAD063766828 6/15/2006 9/27/2011
SYNERTEK, INC. (BUILDING 1) CAD990832735 7/8/2011 9/26/2012
LINEMASTER SWITCH CORP. CTD001153923 10/23/2012 5/25/2016
GALEN MYERS DUMP/DRUM SALVAGE IND980999635 6/11/2012 8/24/2016
INDUSTRIAL EXCESS LANDFILL OHD000377911 8/12/2009 8/30/2016

*Since the retraction date, these sites have been reconfirmed as sites meeting the requirement to be considered SWRAU.