Marcelle Leahy (Vermont)
Growing up, I was always in the sun and sunburned. All that sun finally caught up to me in 2003 when my new dermatologist decided to biopsy a discolored spot on my face. I’d had it for years, but something about it didn’t feel right. The result: a large melanoma in situ.
The first two operations to remove it weren’t successful, leaving my face disfigured and still with cancer. Mohs surgery was scheduled with a different doctor to remove the rest. After six excisions during the Mohs, an area of skin the size of my palm was removed, and I was finally cancer-free. I learned to be an advocate for my own health, and to keep asking questions. I’ve had at least six nonmelanoma skin cancers removed since, and am always on the lookout for any skin changes.
My advice: we know how to prevent and detect skin cancer, so share your knowledge with your loved ones. I’ll never know which sunburn gave me cancer, but I’ll certainly do all I can to protect my grandchildren from getting one.
Marcelle Leahy likes to make time for cancer prevention, education, and research programs. She is married to Senator Patrick Leahy; they have 3 children and 5 grandchildren.