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Community Service Project Ideas for Students and Educators

Want to help your local community and environment? Then donate your time to a community service project. 
Learn more about what service learning is and see sample projects below. 

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Service Learning: Education Beyond the Classroom (PDF 934K, 32 pp)
Need ideas for activities? This on-line booklet highlights environmental projects done by students throughout the country. You'll find ideas for students of all ages!

Healthy Watershed Projects in Your Area
Learn about what groups in your area are doing to protect watersheds, and find out how you can help.

Alliance for Climate Education
Alliance for Climate Education encourages you to Do One Thing to help the environment.

Give Water a Hand
A national watershed education program designed to involve young people in local environmental service projects. Also available in Spanish.

Global Water Sampling Project
Collaborative project that allows the participant to compare water quality of local water streams, lakes, etc. with other fresh water sources around the world.

GLOBE: Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment
This site is a worldwide network of students, teachers, and scientists working together to study and understand the global environment.

Journey North
A global study of wildlife migration. Students in North America track the journeys of a dozen migratory species and share their own field observations with classrooms across the Hemisphere.

National Apprentice Ecologist Awards
Programs to involve youth in environmental service projects.

Tools to Reduce Waste in Schools
EPA's Tools to Reduce Waste in Schools helps your school and school district reduce the amount of waste you generate. You'll learn how to start a waste reduction program or expand an existing one. The guide will show you how your program can benefit your school, your community, and the environment by reducing, reusing, and recycling your waste.

Volunteer for Change (EPA 530-K-01-002) (PDF 567K, 24 pp)
This guide to environmental community service features the ABCs of volunteering plus projects on reuse, recycling, composting, and household hazardous waste.

Voluntarios para el Cambio: Una Guía para el Servicio Comunitario Ambiental (PDF 577K, 23 pp)
This guide to environmental community service features the ABCs of volunteering plus projects on reuse, recycling, composting, and household hazardous waste.

Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring
Find out how to start a water monitoring program in your area. Explore water quality monitoring methods as well as links to national water monitoring sites.

Wildlife Watch
Be a citizen scientist and monitor wildlife in your area.

World Water Monitoring Day
World Water Monitoring Day helps watershed leaders, educators and trained volunteers to educate students and citizens how the actions of individuals in a watershed can impact environmental quality and human health.

Your Environment, Your Choice
This site will help you be able to make environmentally sound choices about the products and natural resources you use, the waste you create, and the environment in which you live.

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