Synthetic Fiber Production Facilities: New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)

Rule Summary

These standards would limit emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from new and reconstructed synthetic fiber production facilities that use "solvent-spinning" processes. These standards implement Section 111 of the Clean Air Act (CAA) and are based on the Administrator's determination that emissions from the manufacture of synthetic fibers cause or contribute significantly to air pollution which may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health or welfare.

The intent is to require new and reconstructed solvent-spun synthetic fiber production facilities control their VOC emissions. These emisisons should be controlled to the level achievable through application of the best demonstrated system of continuous emission reduction, considering costs, non-air quality health and environmental impacts, and energy requirements. These standards do not apply to modified facilities.

The standards will reduce projected 1987 nationwide VOC emissions from new and reconstructed solvent-spun synthetic fiber production facilities by as much as 8.5 gigagrams (Gg) (9.4 thousand tons) per year. Nationwide emissions will be reduced by as much as 63 percent of the amount that would occur in the absence of this regulation. Emission reductions will range from about 1.1 Gg (1200 tons) per year for a dry-spinning acrylic fiber plant to about 1.7 Gg per year for an acetate filtration tow plant.

Rule History

10/17/2000 - Final rule: amendments

11/18/1997 - Proposed rule; reopening of public comment period

08/27/1997 - Proposed rule: Amendments

04/05/1984 - Final rule

11/23/1982 - Proposed rule and notice of public hearing

Additional Resources

Synthetic Fiber Production Facilities - Background Information For Promulgated Standards

Synthetic Fiber Production Facilities - Background Information For Proposed Standards