Bringing the Benefits of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy to Low-Income Communities
Clean Power Plan Community Portal
Resources for Local Officials and Community Members
A resource directory for local government officials and community members who want to address today's complex environmental challenges in all communities at the local level.
- Case Studies and Program Profiles
- Webinar Series - Bringing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy to Low-Income Communities
- Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Low-Income Communities: a Guide to EPA Programs
Energy efficiency and renewable energy (EE/RE) provide multiple benefits to low-income communities, including cost savings, job creation, improved air quality, and healthier homes. EPA offers the informational resources below to help state and local energy, environmental, housing, and social services agencies, non-profits, and utilities understand successful models that they can use to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by bringing EE/RE to low-income communities.
Case Studies and Program Profiles
EPA is developing a series of case studies and program profiles to highlight effective efforts by state and local agencies, non-profits, and utilities to bring energy efficiency and renewable energy to low-income communities. EPA selected programs for inclusion based on their demonstrated ability to achieve results through on-the-ground implementation and their potential to be scalable, replicable, and sustainable, and to highlight a diverse range of communities (geography, size) and types of EE/RE programs. More case studies and profiles will be added here over the coming months.
Introduction and Program Finder
The series includes two types of publications:
Profiles describe successful programs, their key features and approaches, partners, funding sources, and achievements.
Case studies dig deeper to focus on information that can help other organizations replicate successful programs. Case studies provide more detail and include additional sections covering keys to success and tips for replication and sustainability.
Program Profiles:
- DTE Energy Low-Income Energy Efficiency Assistance Program
- Help My House
- Chumash Community Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project
- Duke Energy: Neighborhood Energy Saver Program
- Duluth Flood Recovery Program
- Elevate Energy: Energy Efficiency Services for Affordable Multifamily Buildings
- GRID Alternatives: Solar Programs in Underserved Communities
Case Studies:
- California Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing Program: benefitting both owners and tenants
- Energy Outreach Colorado: a nonprofit hub for energy assistance
Webinar Series - Bringing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy to Low-Income Communities
To showcase best practices for effectively providing energy efficiency and renewable energy programs to low-income communities, EPA is hosting a webinar series covering different themes – multifamily affordable housing, solar energy – that feature on-the-ground experts sharing their practical insights on how to design and deliver successful programs.
- Webinar 1 – Better Together: Linking and Leveraging Energy Efficiency Programs for Low-Income Households
- Webinar 2 – Beyond the Light Touch: Next Steps for Improving Energy Efficiency in Multi-Family Affordable Housing
- Webinar 3 – Solar for All: Making it Happen in Low-Income Communities
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Low-Income Communities: a Guide to EPA Programs
This guide helps state and local staff connect with EPA initiatives that can assist them in expanding or developing their own EE/RE and climate initiatives in ways that benefit low-income communities.
The guide can also be used by low-income community leaders and stakeholder groups to better understand the benefits of participating in EPA initiatives to help community members save energy costs, improve the health and safety of their homes, and protect the environment.