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Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Electronics Challenge: List of Participants

Below are SMM Electronics Challenge participants in the consumer electronics and used electronics industries. By striving to send 100 percent of used electronics collected to certified recyclers and refurbishers, these Challenge participants helped to ensure that the used electronics they collected were responsibly managed by recyclers that maximize reuse and recycling, minimize exposure to human health and the environment, ensure the safe management of materials by downstream handlers, and require destruction of all data on used electronics.

SMM Electronics Challenge Active Participants

Organization Status City, State EPA Region
Best Buy Co., Inc. Active Participant South Richfield, MN 5
Dell Inc. Active Participant Round Rock, TX 6
LG Electronics USA, Inc. Active Participant Englewood Cliffs, NJ 2
Samsung Electronics Active Participant Ridgefield Park, NJ 2
Sony Electronics, Inc. Active Participant San Diego, CA 9
Sprint Active Participant Overland Park, KS 7
Staples, Inc. Active Participant Framingham, MA 1
VIZIO, Inc. Active Participant Irvine, CA 9

What participants are saying:

official logo of Best Buy

"On behalf of Best Buy, we applaud EPA's leadership to encourage even greater, more convenient options for consumers to recycle electronics. From our Trade-In program, to convenient in-store recycling programs and our ENERGY STAR partnership, we’re committed to ensuring that everyone has access to easy, sustainable technology choices that make a positive social and environmental impact. Best Buy has long offered the most comprehensive electronics recycling options, and continue to work only with certified recyclers. Consumers recycle more consumer electronics and appliances with Best Buy than any other retailer - an average of 387 pounds are recycled each minute at Best Buy. And recycling is free, with few restrictions.

We have seen first-hand that demand for these services continues to grow. We look forward to continuing to work with EPA to expand initiatives that benefit consumers and meet this demand."

- George Sherman, Senior Vice President for Services

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official logo for Dell

"Dell is helping its customers worldwide protect the environment by offering electronics recycling programs that are easy-to-use, convenient, effective and secure. We’re proud to join the EPA for a second year of the Electronics Challenge, and we’re committed to continuing to promote and lead responsible reuse and recycling to extend the life of our products and keep e-waste out of landfills."

- Trisa Thompson, Vice President of Corporate Responsibility

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Official logo for LG (Life's Good)

"LG is proud to support the EPA’s Electronics Challenge, and we are pledging to achieve Gold status in this important program. By joining the Challenge, we’re committing to refurbishing and recycling even more used electronics. And, by using third-party certified recyclers we’re are helping to drive the use of environmentally protective practices. We look forward to participating in the Electronics Challenge and other activities under the National Strategy for Electronics Stewardship."

- William Cho, President and CEO, LG Electronics USA

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Official logo for Samsung Electronics

"Samsung has long been committed to sustainability and is proud to be among the first to show our support for the EPA whose initiative aligns perfectly with our commitment to protect the people and the environment through responsible recycling."

- Yangkyu (Y.K.) Kim, President and CEO

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Official logo for Sprint

"Responsible electronic waste management is a priority for Sprint and voluntary commitments like those attained through the (SMM) Electronics Challenge pushes all industries forward."

- Bill White, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications and Corporate Responsibility

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"VIZIO takes its role in protecting the environment very seriously and encourages responsible recycling and reuse of electronics. We’re thrilled to join EPA as a committed participant in its Electronics Challenge. Proper recycling and refurbishment of electronic equipment is of paramount importance when evaluating environmental responsibility. With over 100,000,000 lbs. of devices recycled since 2014, VIZIO is looking forward to its continued role as a steward of sustainable practices.”

Rob Brinkmann, Chief Administrative Officer

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