Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Electronics Challenge: Champion Award Application

Champion Award Application Step-by-Instructions: 

1. Read entire application.

2. Determine eligibility (all current SMM Electronics Challenge Participants that have submitted their 2015 annual data results to EPA by the June 30, 2016 deadline are eligible).

3. Decide on award category (you may choose Product or Non-Product or both).

4. Write Abstract (up to 250 words) and Narrative (up to 4,000 words) that addresses the four judging criteria: Vision, Coalition Building, Execution and Impact and reflects work completed in calendar year 2015.

5. Gather optional supplemental information (not to exceed four pages).

6. Fill out contact information at the end of the application.

7. Submit completed form online via the SMM Data Management System no later than May 15, 2016.

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