Smart Growth

Greening America's Capitals - Hartford, CT

Hartford, Connecticut’s Capitol Avenue corridor is home to many important historic and cultural assets, including the state capitol and legislative office, the state supreme court, three churches, Bushnell Park, and the Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts. Capitol Avenue and the surrounding neighborhoods could be a more pedestrian-friendly, economically active, and environmentally friendly core of the city.

Hartford requested assistance from EPA's Greening America's Capitals Program to outline a long-term vision that will give this corridor a strong sense of place and near-term actions that can start to energize the streetscape and public spaces.

Greening America's Capitals - Hartford, CT Cover

Working with residents, design experts, city staff, state government representatives, local businesses, and other stakeholders, EPA's team developed a new vision for Capitol Avenue that highlights existing assets and fills in gaps along the mile-long area of focus and in surrounding neighborhoods.

This comprehensive vision includes seven design concepts that together can improve underused properties, integrate green infrastructure into streets and parking lots, and create new parks and public spaces. The design options can help achieve the city's goals, including linking nearby neighborhoods and destinations to one another, better managing stormwater, improving the pedestrian environment, and stimulating future redevelopment.

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