EPA Smart Growth Grants and Other Funding
On this page
The Office of Sustainable Communities occasionally offers grants to support activities that improve the quality of development and protect human health and the environment. If you see a grant for which you wish to apply:
- Read the Request for Proposals (RFP) carefully to determine what activities or projects are eligible.
- If you are not familiar with the EPA's smart growth program, review our Web pages to learn about what we do.
- Submit your proposal according to the instructions in the RFP.
- You can set up an email alert on Grants.gov to be notified automatically when a grant featuring a search term, such as "smart growth," is posted.
- See EPA's web page on Understanding, Managing, and Applying for EPA Grants for helpful tips on writing a grant proposal and policies and regulations covering grants.
- We accept grant proposals only for open solicitations.
Requests for Grant Proposals
There are no requests for proposals at this time.
In addition to grants, EPA's Smart Growth Program sometimes offers technical assistance to communities.
- Learn about our technical assistance programs.
- Find recent announcements on our home page.
- Subscribe to our listserv to receive announcements by email.
Recent Smart Growth Grants
EPA awarded the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) a cooperative agreement to maintain and further develop the Smart Growth Information Clearinghouse, a web-based national information clearinghouse (www.smartgrowth.org Exit) that functions as a "one stop shop" for information on effective smart growth approaches that can help communities ensure their development choices deliver environmental, economic, and quality-of-life benefits.
The clearinghouse also serves as the virtual home of the Smart Growth Network Exit, a nationally recognized coalition of leadership organizations that have formally endorsed the principles of smart growth. MDP will work with the Smart Growth Network partners to ensure that the web content reflects their activities and includes field-tested best practices, case studies, and information on emerging issues.
This award was made in response to a competitive request for proposals titled "OSC Request for Proposals for National Smart Growth Conference Planning" (EPA-OP-OSC-13-01). Submissions for that RFP were due May 12, 2014.
Other Funding Resources
EPA has compiled lists of other funding resources for tribal, state, and local governments; communities; and non-governmental organizations that are seeking funding to address various aspects of smart growth.