Smart Growth

Cape Cod Growth Management Audit

The Cape Cod Growth Management Audit (2004) was sponsored by the Association to Preserve Cape Cod, Cape Cod Business Roundtable, Cape Cod Selectmen's and Councilor's Association, Cape Cod Economic Development Council, and Cape Cod Commission. The audit was intended to continue discussions on growth and development patterns begun through a series of workshops in early 2004. Fourteen towns completed the audit.

The Growth Management Audit is tailored to meet the needs of communities on Cape Cod. The audit process helped communities understand what policies were affecting their development projects, gather and organize information on what policies were not working, and examine a range of policies that might work for them.

Facing the Future: A New Look at Growth Management on Cape Cod (2004) presents an analysis of the audit results. It shows that although Cape Cod communities have made some progress in improving town centers, developing more compactly, and responding to the need for workforce housing, more remains to be done.

  • Issue categories:
    • Encourage growth in compact, mixed-use villages and centers
    • Provide infrastructure to support growth in suitable locations
    • Encourage compact development and protection of natural resources
    • Provide a range of housing opportunities
    • Protect historic resources and preserve community character
    • Make development decisions fair and predictable
  • Number of questions: 45
  • Scale of each rated component: 1 to 3
  • Summary score: Yes

See more scorecards to help evaluate municipal-level policies, specific projects, and community components on EPA's Smart Growth Scorecards page.

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